New Zealand, Australia furious over Erdogan’s offensive remarks
Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan said the massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand, was part of an attack on Turkey and Islam. He warned “anti-Muslim Australians” they would be “sent back in coffins like their grandfathers at Gallipolli…” Erdogan showed footage of the shooting at campaign rallies ahead of March 31 local elections. New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern said Wednesday that her foreign minister would “confront” the Turkish president over his comments, adding that release of the footage endangered New Zealanders everywhere. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison summoned the Turkish ambassador on Wednesday to demand that the “highly offensive” and “highly reckless” comments be withdrawn.
Welcome to the Party Oz, NZ.
Erdogan is a POS Islamist and always will be,
Welcome to a prison planet. We can no longer go where would like. Perhaps this is good as G-D divided the languages of the people when they tried to build the tower of babel causing them to form separate countries.
Did you know? American news outlets have also been reluctant to use the word “genocide” to describe Turkey’s crimes. The phrase “Armenian genocide” did not appear in the New York Times until 2004.
Time for Aust to end all ties with that impotent sewer float
Just another thing Constantinople will return to its rightful owners
And what does Erdogan have to say about the Armenian genocide, his goal to transform Turkey into an Islamic Caliphate, his war against the Kurds, his backing of terrorism in Gaza and beyond and his attempts to make the Temple Mount a scene of violence to make it into a religious war? What about Erdogan’s virulent antisemitism?
The few attacks against Muslims in the West have been met with lots of grief and apologies and displays of empathy. The 99% of terrorism conducted by Islamic supremacists are always excused by Islam and new attacks encouraged by Islam. The attacks are daily and the dead bodies are piling up by the millions with no end in sight and no concerted effort by the Islamic world to renounce their conquest and war on the infidel nor any attempt to change their teachings and beliefs to end their terrorism.
With the bad Armenians there was absolutely no genocide!
But, they were very bad Armenian Christians forcing themselves to disappear each day by thousands only for to put the blame on friendly Muslims of the Great Islamic country of Turkey.
There was absolutely no genocide, not even a mini genocide! But, the bad Christian Armenians went in hiding 1.5 millions of them, only to put the blame on friendly Muslims of the Great Islamic country of Turkey.
This is why there was confiscation of property from the bad 1.5 millions Christian Armenians and the benefit of the brave and great Turkish Muslims, because the Muslims had to suffer the blame of all those lies of false genocide.
There was absolutely no genocide, only the disappearance of 1.5 millions of bad people, and we Muslims in Turkey up to this day we do not know where they went in hide. Inshallah, this is the truth!
Do you know this already?
scrabbled ERDOGAN = GROANED – indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure
Kick Turkey out of NATO. Who needs a 5th column in a 2nd rate defense organization?
And the period photographs of miles of crucified Armenians along roads were fake news?
Erdogan’s ancestors’ last jihad would have conquered Europe if the Polish King Jan Sobieski hadn’t defeated them on 9/12/1683 at the gates of VIENNA!
He needs to be defanged.
Down the pipe with Erdogan. But New Zeelanders by allowing Muslim conquerors to occupy this beautiful island get what they deserve.
Australia and New Zealand should cancel all future Anzac day commemorations in Turkey and instead celebrate our stunning victory over the Turks at Beersheba.
A snake bit me. It’s a snake. What did you expect?
A muslim threatened a non-muslim. He’s a muslim. What did you expect?
Erdogan is a tad taller than Hitler, . . . but their minds were certainly on the same level.
Kick Turkey out of NATO, establish Kurdistan and return all lands to Greece.
Go and get F’ed ya all//we love Erdogan and fight us or f ,off/..we wanto do you in for your lies so much it aint funny
By the way can all feto pkk greeks scums etc leave debka you guys are the pinnacle of pathetic,
The followers of Islam “peaceful” religion are getting a tad of their own medicine – and now are screaming like half-slaughtered pigs….
Considering one of Erdogans “citizens ” in the Netherlands has just sent 3 dutch civilians home in coffins ,it could be advisable for the Dutch authorities to send the several hundred thousand turks domiciled there home before any more dutch citizens meet the fate of the victims of Utrecht.
nonsense. Holland is conquered without a shot. Let them be transported to Auschwitz to organize the new “Little Dutch village” and remember forever all Jews they had sent there by the contract with Wehrmacht.
Erdogan looks and acts exactly like Hitler may both these evil devil worshippers be erased from under the heavens!
Erdogan forgets about The Great Arab Revolt of 1916 which was directed against the Turks during WWI.
look into this and find whats behind it.