No date set for coronavirus cabinet session on rising infection
PM Binyamin Netanyahu and the Health Ministry have both voiced alarm at the renewed spike in coronavirus infection. Coronavirus director Prof. Nahum Ash Sunday night urged immediate steps to curb the contagion and decisions on how to put back restraints if they fail. Although the scheme for experimentally reopening 15 large malls and open-air markets last Friday generated a shopping rampage and dangerous crowding, no decision has been taken to shut the scheme down. The authorities are not discussing reversing Sunday’s reopening of high school classes. They are more concerned with heading off the traditional family and communal activities for Hanukkah and other crowd events in the coming month.
Monday morning, the Health Ministry reported 985 new covid cases, raising the total of actively ill to 9,897 with 263 in serious condition. The number of deaths has climbed to 2,864. Most troubling is the 2.5pc proportion of positive cases in testing. Particular concern focuses on the Arab community which accounts for nearly half of the contagion.