One of the Palestinian rockets fired from Gaza hit a kindergarten

It was discovered Saturday night that one of the rockets fired from Gaza Friday night exploded in a kindergarten in the town of Sderot. The damage caused was substantial, but fortunately the school was empty and closed for the weekend.

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12 thoughts on “One of the Palestinian rockets fired from Gaza hit a kindergarten

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 1:09 at 1:09

    Let this one be The Last bombarded kindergarten, only make sure each gazan has at least a big bottle with water and 1-2 sandwiches, because the first hop to Arish in Sinai takes couple good hours for people without boats.

    • Dec 10, 2017 @ 1:39 at 1:39

      In the past, when a kindergarden required fixig because of some funny bombing, they used to call the renowned carpenters and fine stonemasons at the time, like for a sample Moshe Dayan or Ehud Barak, to fix it good. And you know what? They used to work so fast, in couple days the repair was properly done, and never heard the smalles complain.

      • Dec 10, 2017 @ 3:17 at 3:17

        Gaza needs to be razed, . . . plowed, . . . sown in salt, . . . and forgotten.

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 6:35 at 6:35

    Any decent person must think about what would have happened if children were there when the Muslim missile exploded in the Jewish kindergarten. Why do the peace-loving Muslims want to kill innocent men women and children everywhere? Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Muslims?

    • Dec 10, 2017 @ 12:34 at 12:34

      Answer to Richard: It is because they are not and never have been “peace loving.” On the contrary they have been war-mongering terrorists who reject peace. They want the one and only Jewish state because their Koran instructs them to conquer for Islam. They are greedy too. The Arabs have many Muslim states in the region but they all reject their own people and want to make their refugees into the problem of Israel and the West.

      It is time to stop treating them like feeble-minded and hold them responsible fot their acts of rage and violence. That means putting down their terrorism with overwhelming force as quickly as possible so they get the message loud and clear and without delay.

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 10:20 at 10:20

    Israel has my admiration and prayers , sincerely mark b . Tipton , Indiana u.s.a.

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 12:08 at 12:08

    Fireworks in Gaza will be spectacular this Year…

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 16:47 at 16:47

    Waa waa. Cry about it. How many civilians does pisrael kill on a regular basis?? Stop the illegal military occupation and go home where you might be safe

    • Dec 10, 2017 @ 22:47 at 22:47

      Yes, how many? Is it even remotely close to the 250,000 civilians killed by Muslim jihadis in terror attacks in the last 2 decades, not counting the endless wars? How about the 250 MILLION killed by Muslims in the last 1400 years of the Islamic cancer upon humanity?

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 16:55 at 16:55

    Protests are form of free expression, and UN strongly supports the peaceful Palestinian protests.
    It is true, sometimes sentiments boil high and people get a little excited, but without excessive violence.
    Israel must not interfere, must not interfere Israel, interfere must not Israel!
    As a compensation, UN may offer to Israel up until 10,000 coffins gratis, plus free digging services.

    • Dec 10, 2017 @ 18:56 at 18:56

      I am now dumber for having read this last reply on the UN supports “peaceful” Palestinian protests

  • Dec 10, 2017 @ 19:58 at 19:58

    Why doesn’t the US news -any station of any political leaning -report the bombing of the kindergarten?! Inherent antisemitism? In list of programmed words antisemitism -not there. CBS news would rather skip the weekly calendar than mention a Jewish holiday. Happened before and again this week. Shoot an Arab murder is top of the broadcast ; kill a Jew -of no import . After all it’s the Jew’s fault for standing in front of the gun.


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