Pakistan expels Indian ambassador, cuts trade with Delhi
Responding to India’s withdrawal on Monday of autonomous privileges from the disputed Kashmir region, Pakistan’s Imran Khan government Thursday expelled India’s ambassador to Karachi, suspended its ambassadorial appointment to Delhi and told its army to remain vigilant. For three days the region has been under Indian lockdown with a curfew, a communications blackout and blocks on people and goods movements in and out of Kashmir. The poorer districts say they are short of food and money as the historic standoff between Karachi and Delhi over Kashmir threatens to erupt again.
Pakistan Prepares to Fight India for Kashmir, Islamabad’s efforts to keep Kashmiri separatism alive is not the sole spark that has reignited tensions.
The threads of National security in the United State fear
In the United States, Chinese pills were called a national security threat, since they supposedly could adversely affect the health of the US military
“The threat of national security”: in the United States fear Chinese pills