Pal. leader seeks to force Hamas into war over Gaza crisis: Defense minister

In a speech on Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the internal Palestinian conflict over the supply of electricity to Gaza is not going to end anytime soon. He predicted that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is going to halt the transfer of fuel, stop paying salaries in Gaza and continue to cut the flow of electricity in an effort to push Hamas into another war against Israel.
Regarding Syria, Lieberman warned the Syrian regime that it will bear responsibility for Hizballah's attempts to establish a front against Israel on the Golan and to smuggle advanced weaponry to its forces. The use of Damascus international airport to smuggle weapons to the terrorist organization is intolerable, and Israel will not hesitate to act once a certain line is crossed, Lieberman said. Even if the US and Russia reach an agreement on Syria it will not hinder Israel's freedom of action on the northern front, according to the minister. However, he stated that Israel has no intention to go to war on the northern or southern front.
The defense minister also predicted that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will be resolved in the framework of a future regional arrangement with the moderate Sunni states including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. He said the Palestinians are not capable of signing a peace agreement with Israel by themselves. 

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