Palestinian businessmen back from Bahrain arrested by PA

Palestinian General Intelligence officers began on Friday and Saturday rounding up the Palestinian businessmen who attended the US-sponsored Bahrain conference, which the Palestinian Authority boycotted. They were charged with tax evasion. One was identified as Saleh Abu Mila from Hebron. Others upon learning of the arrest warrants against them went into hiding or crossed into Israel to catch a flight out of the country.


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7 thoughts on “Palestinian businessmen back from Bahrain arrested by PA

  • Jun 29, 2019 @ 16:35 at 16:35

    These Arabs and their quaint customs, they would rather stagnate and complain about having no work in their village, than prosper and thrive.

  • Jun 29, 2019 @ 16:54 at 16:54

    This is a strong sign of PA collapse, and the situation is worst than expected.

  • Jun 30, 2019 @ 1:39 at 1:39

    I only see desperate Jews and their American amigos. Plot did not work. What did you thing the ‘PA’ will do? Get a life Jews. Stop Killing The Other. Lives other than JEWISH DO MATTER! Maybe then you will not hear any threats coming your way … it is so simple!

    • Jun 30, 2019 @ 7:36 at 7:36

      You only see what is inside of you. Once again, your Arab brothers never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

      • Jun 30, 2019 @ 9:36 at 9:36

        You nailed it. I expand on what you said below.

    • Jun 30, 2019 @ 9:35 at 9:35

      It is very interesting. People have a strong tendency to project their thinking on other people.
      Most Jews and Israelis have believed for decades that really the goals of the Arabs aligned against them were just people like themselves; they certainly must have similar goals for the families. Their kids should go to a decent college and get a productive job and live a long life in good health and in reasonable comfort and they should enjoy a peaceful life. There might be some differences about how to share the land, but that can be negotiated because a way can certainly be found where everyone comes out ahead.

      These kinds of beliefs may actually be true for many Arabs. They do seem to exist among the Palestinean business people who the P.A. is busy arresting.

      Yosef here demonstrates, however, that really the goals can be very different for too many Arabs. But what is so fascinating is that Yosef projects his core beliefs and motivations on to Jews and Israelis. His interest is to kill Jews and destroy Israel. This is much more important than a decent life for his grandchildren. So he, in turn, thinks Jewish Israelis are like him and are interested in killing and ruling over another people.

      He simply cannot understand that this just is not how Jews are wired. Jews will defend themselves if they must but will do everything in their power to avoid harming others in the process. This includes trying to protect even the families of people who have members actively trying to harm Jews. People like Yosef do not get this because they think killing civilians is virtuous, so in his mind Jews must think the same about him.

      Projection is powerful. But sometimes it is wrong. Not all cultures think the same.

      • Jun 30, 2019 @ 14:35 at 14:35

        AMEN…couldn’t of said it better


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