Palestinian car plows into IDF troops hunting terrorists

Outside Al Bireh, near Ramallah, a Palestinian vehicle tried to ram a group of Israeli soldiers hunting for the gunmen who murdered two Israeli soldiers at Asaf Hill earlier on Thursday. One soldier was slightly hurt. The Palestinian was shot dead.

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6 thoughts on “Palestinian car plows into IDF troops hunting terrorists

  • Dec 13, 2018 @ 16:34 at 16:34

    the only way to get all this behind the Israelis is to make the Palestinians move to Jordan out of fear of getting murdered.

    is it rash?
    well, its happening to the Jews . they are getting killed.
    in war, its the law of the jungle, kill or be killed

    this ,what is happeneing now, has been going on for over 100 years between Arabs and Jews. their religion preaches killing of Jews.

    The Netanyahus are to old and to politicized and no longer think as leaders of their people, however nonsense they spew to their public.

    amazingly, over 55 years ago, my Israeli friend said,”” Arabs are different, their mentality is different, so every 7 years we have to beat them up””
    . I was appalled by this statement, but geez, he was right !
    inevitably, a hard right leader will emerge and the blood bath will start. no one will do anything except condemnation. the Arabs will leave the west bank and other places and run to Jordan, their real homeland.

    Nothing the Israelis ever do will change this. whoever thinks so, is dreaming in color. (no one dreams in color)

    • Dec 13, 2018 @ 16:51 at 16:51

      I am very certain I dream in color.

      I agree that more serious action be taken but I also believe Netanyahu knows what he is doing. We must have patience. Peace.

    • Dec 13, 2018 @ 16:58 at 16:58

      The european settler colony of antisemites would if they could.

      But they can’t.

      So they won’t.

      Even with $10million welfare checks streaming in every day.

    • Dec 13, 2018 @ 17:19 at 17:19

      It’s not just Israel that is under attack by Islamofascists…

      A terrorist muslim murdered 2 and wounded 13 at the Christmas Market in Strasbourg France yesterday. The terrorist is still at large (not yet apprehended).

  • Dec 13, 2018 @ 23:05 at 23:05

    Push the Palestinians in the West Bank into Jordan. Jordan is already a Palestinian state.

  • Dec 14, 2018 @ 3:56 at 3:56

    The PM must be careful not to operate with a short hand against terror to appease the recent growing Arab reliance on Israeli security against Iran… He must remember that in Tora God said Ishmael would be a wild man, and his hand would be in global terror and all nations would fight him…. This is what we see throughout history…. So therefore Jewish blood must never be sacrificed to save face with these Isha elites… If they want relations with israel… Recognize the Jewish state and recognize that Hamas and Hezbollah, Fatah and all are terrorists and have no historic rights to the Holy Land.


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