Palestinians protest Pence Knesset speech

Fatah, which dominates the Palestinian Authority, has declared a general strike for West Bank Palestinians on Tuesday in protest of US Vice President Mike Pence’s speech in the Knesset. In Nablus, dozens of protesters trampled on the vice president’s pictures.
Pence told an interviewer after his Knesset address that “the door’s open” for Palestinians to return to the negotiating table with Israel on a peace agreement. However, Palestinian leaders have angrily ruled the Trump administration out as a mediator and rejected its peace plans, especially since he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. During his speech, Pence said that the funds the US slashed from UNWRA’s projects for Palestinian refugees have been redirected to relief efforts on behalf of Christians and other persecuted and repressed Middle East communities.

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9 thoughts on “Palestinians protest Pence Knesset speech

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 21:28 at 21:28

    As Jerry Lewis, RIP, would have said, “Who Cares?”

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 21:45 at 21:45

      amein! and it only just hit me what your “handle” means. haha nice one.

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 23:56 at 23:56

    General Strike? I did not know they worked other than building rockets.

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 1:59 at 1:59

    Debka…it’s Judea and Samaria and the arabs are Arabs. The other 2 don’t exist. You could say supposed palestinians or terrorstinians…or fakestinians but you’re using the language of the terrorist. Language that was created to deligitmize Israel and to destroy Israel.

    • Jan 24, 2018 @ 2:02 at 2:02

      They say if you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe it. I don’t agree, the isisrealis are only fooling themselves. End game is near.

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 8:59 at 8:59

    Arab Heros trample on pictures burn effigies and smack them with shoes. Hashshashas. If the left had not pandered to them from Dayan/Meir, to Livni Beilin Peres they would be in Arabia by now. Think of the US$ billions they milked out of the antisemitic West

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 14:32 at 14:32

    What are Terrorstinians doing in the Knesset? I don’t see any Jews in any Arab states…and especially in their places of power and rule. Until Jews are received as welcome guests and full citizens of Arab countries, I suggest Israel keep these 5th columnists out of government.

  • Jan 24, 2018 @ 1:05 at 1:05

    It should be pointed out to the world that the ‘poor repressed’ Israeli arabs have arabic members in the Israeli Parliament to represent them, and that they could become citizens of Israel, but they refuse to do so.

    • Jan 24, 2018 @ 15:00 at 15:00

      They are Israeli citizens. Israel has over 1.5 +/- million arab christians and muslim citizens. Some serve in the idf others in the police forces. ..others in parliament. .get with the program. Fyi these arabs are Israelis..not fakestinians although some share their ideology as would arabs in the west that share isis ideology.


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