Palestinians stage protest against Pompeo’s settlement statement
The Palestinian Authority declared Monday a “Day of Anger,” calling on demonstrators to rally at their flashpoints with Israeli forces in Judea and Samaria. They are protesting against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement exonerating Jewish settlement of breaching international law. The PA said this action, approved by its chairman Mahoud Abbas, followed the “popular resistance” doctrine. DEBKAfile: This slogan. new for the Palestinian Authority, adopts the usage of the terrorist Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups for stirring up violent Palestinian demonstrations on the Gaza-Israel border. The Day of Anger protest is funded and orchestrated by Mahmoud al-Aloul, Deputy Chairman of Fatah.
Of course the settlements of Arabs in Judea and Samaria are illegal!
The Oslo accords not being respected by PA and Hamas since years now, these are now illegal and very dangerous.
Aladdin What is more Important , and according to the UN charter,no one can sell, lease or give away an inch of the Jewish Home west of the River Jordan. The Arab occupation between1948 and 1967 is and always was illegal, and a continuing criminal affair.
As you can see in the images, Sound X resembles the Apple HomePod. There is about the same shape of the case and the LED ring on top. The price is similar: for its new product, Huawei asks for $ 285,
Introduced smart speaker Huawei Sound X
Paris, January 21, 1919
When the Arabs presented their case and the Emir Faisal, Colonel Lawrence, and General Nouri Pasha came before the Big Four, they were certainly the most resplendent figures that had ever entered the Quai d’Orsay. Dark and subtle, but with a voice attuned to the great open spaces, Faisal talked right out in meeting and glowered down upon the prime ministers of the Great Powers who sat uneasily at his feet. Clearly he came not as a suppliant but to demand the rights of his people and the observance of solemn agreements which, as the emergency was over, some were inclined to forget. Lawrence was his interpreter and he further emphasized the emphatic words of the desert king.
“The aim of the Arab nationalist movement,” insisted Faisal, “is to unite the Arabs eventually into one nation.
Paris, January 21, 1919
A few hours after the formal hearing Dr. Weizmann called on the Colonel and asked for an opportunity to restate his views. I was called in and I drew up the following memo, which the Doctor read and pronounced correct. It seems, at least to me, to differ quite radically from his formal statement. It reads:
I and many others think it would be unjust, indeed most unjust, for us to ask of the Conference the founding at this moment of an immediate Jewish state (in Palestine). It is for us, we think, to ask in the first place for recognition by the Great Powers of the fact that Palestine was the land of the Jews in the past and should in the future become the home of the Jews. Our first pressing need, and this we ask insistently, is for opportunities and favoring conditions to enable us to bring the Jews back to Palestine. If these requests are granted obstacles now in our path would be cleared away and it would then depend on the Jews themselves to build up the Jewish commonwealth. To begin our new status we would need a trustee and we are united in the belief that Great Britain should be nominated for this post. We admit that the land problem should not be ignored at the same time the vision of the delegates should not be obscured by the misleading information which here abounds. There is we claim ample elbow room for all; there are only seventy inhabitants today to the square mile of territory which could comfortably carry from three hundred and fifty to four hundred and without in the least encroaching on the rights of the Arab peasants.
How the Colonel and all the other delegates wish that this were true! Faisal and all the Arabs deny it in toto. In fact they are in agreement that the present meager Jewish population (small indeed in proportion to the colonists the Zionists wish to bring in) would starve to death, certainly could not become self-supporting, but for the subsidies that come for them from various philanthropic committees in Paris, London, and above all New York. Mr. Balfour with the best intentions has launched an ugly problem.
The DIVINE TRUTH with which the intransigent so-called world community will have to accommodate itself is that the ENTIRE LAND OF ISRAEL is given by GOD to the Jewish People in PERPETUITY! !
Huawei is one of the most recognizable in the world; its range includes smartphones, tablets, laptops, household appliances and more. The company is currently the second-largest smartphone manufacturer in the world.
If yes, if only. Huawei on Samsung and US sanctions
The Palestinian Authority are known for Protests over Choosing a Culture of Peace Co-Existence!
No one cares for doing Business with Corrupt CCP Military Listening in and does not Value Human Rights!
Straight to 1 state – the cure for apartheid is 1P1V1S
if you disagree with the above and get militant about at you’ll be on the way to the Hague like Netanyahu
Like Ehud Barack said, once it gets to the point like it is now are the Palestinians fighting for The Vote it’s all over, it’ll be a diplomatic tsunami like it is right now with eu-wide labeling
Col Liron Libman of the IDF legal teams was caught on wikileaks admitting it – it’s all over – apartheid is indefensible at the ICC or anywhere else
It’s really the collapse of Israeli apartheid, Netanyahu, and Kahanism
The media cover up how the collapse it’s getting just so busted – if the crimes weren’t so bad you can say the cover-up was worse than the crime, in this case it’s just an early first victory busting the press and their cover-up of the collapse of the House of cards
Happy Nakba-tivus for Everybod!
The collapse of Israeli apartheid, Netanyahu, and Kahanism all at once is exactly what’s happening/happened – Netanyahu made sure he wasn’t going down alone
When Wolf Blitzer uses the word ‘Israeli’ and ‘apartheid’ in the same sentence – that is the signal for the revolution to kick off so everybody be prepared
If Wolf actually uses the term ‘Israeli apartheid’ there will be significant extra credit points
Dear ‘long national nightmare of Netanyahu in America is over’
I like your name but it begs the question just why was Netanyahu such a nightmare in America, after all the Kahanist is supposed to be Israeli. he doesn’t get to pretend like he’s president of the u.s. like he’s always doing in public anyway, the megalomaniac putz
Anyway you would be better named as ‘long national nightmare of Netanyahu/Neocons in America is over’, since the neocons and their Emmanuel Goldsteins are just as responsible as Netanyahu for crimes against America