PM announces reconciliation agreement with Turkey
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu announced Monday afternoon at a news conference in Rome that Israel and Turkey had reached a reconciliation agreement. He outlined the major points of the deal, which are:
The termination of all lawsuits in Turkey against IDF soldiers.
The naval blockade on Gaza is to be maintained.
Israel will permit Turkey to engage in humanitarian projects in Gaza, especially dealing with electricity and water, in line with Israel's security considerations.
Turkey gave its commitment to prevent terror activity against Israel, including collection of funds, on its territory.
The prime minister of Turkey gave his commitment to deal with the return of missing Israeli soldiers and civilians by Hamas.
Turkey will help Israel join international organizations in which it has membership, especially NATO.
Netanyahu said the deal opens the way for economic cooperation in the natural gas field, which has major strategic importance for Israel, and the creation of new markets including Turkey and Egypt. He added that he had updated US Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the agreement.