Pompeo lands in Riyadh on his first Mid-East trip
Mike Pompeo flew to Riyadh Saturday after making his diplomatic debut as US Secretary of State at a NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussel Friday, hours after his confirmation by the Senate. His first three-day Middle East tour to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan is billed as briefings for US allies on Trump administration policy on Iran. In Brussels, the new US top diplomat stressed to allies that Trump is “unlikely” to stay in the Iran nuclear deal unless he can get “substantial” fixes. “There’s been no decision made, so the team is working, and I’m sure we’ll have lots of conversations to deliver what the president has made clear.” In Saudi Arabia, he was scheduled to hold talks with his counterpart foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir and was invited to dinner with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Alaku barbar!
Ala bala portocala, momo mumu alandala!
There is no reference nowhere is our teachings of extreme, neutronic, or atomic peace.
But, the mujahid have to reload, and these as indeed moments of peace.
Alaku barbar!
Barbar ul barbar!
Ala bala portocala, momo mumu alandala!
La pilaf pill Pillaf!
Lol, it would be funny if North Korea became nuke free my moving there weapons to Iran.
It would provide both with a tick in the box, a nuke free North Korea and the Iranian government with the ability to meet its obligation of not producing nukes. Simple globalization thereby allowing both parties to achieve their strategic aims.
That would allow Iran to focus on the production of Cobalt 60 which could be provided to Hezbollah. If ever Israel attacked Lebanon again Hezbollah could launch large numbers of Cobalt 60 enhanced missiles into Israel.
Even if they were shot down the Cobalt 60 enhanced missiles the fallout would cover a large area turning the Jewish population to pulled pork within a week. Israel would be a dead zone for the next 100 years. Due to the efficiency of Cobalt 60 only a few hundred kilograms would be required to exterminate entire cities. It makes no difference if people are in fallout shelters as they will not be able to leave them for the next 100 years.
Russian research showed that only 100 ton would be required to end all life across the entire planet. Hence why the Russian nuclear torpedo is Cobalt 59 shrouded. At detonation the nuclear fire will convert the Cobalt 59 to cobalt 60 creating a massive deadzone for one 100 years.
At only 57000 USD per ton of Cobalt 59 its a bargain. Stick it in a nuclear reactor and wala you have Cobalt 60 and the ability to turn any population group to pulled pork within a few days.
Should retaliation occur against Iran who has plausible deniability small quantities of Cobalt 60 could easily be smuggled into the west and used against other target populations and economic targets of opportunity bringing the Western economies to edge of collapse within a few days.
While Iran may suffer it would win in the end as the western world would never condone the extermination of the Iranian population especially as plausible deniability exists. Especially if one or two small tactical nukes which detonate in Lebonon are blamed on the Israel which requires Hezbollah to hit back with their poor mans alternative.
A few hours later they have won.
No doubt that the Arab world would hail them as hero’s and would flock to rebuild and reward Lebanon for their heroism action.
lol you have quite the imagination. You should write a movie script.
“turn any population group to pulled pork within a few days” very creative
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”
Mother Kali will usher in a new beginning after the initial Death and Destruction. The world will be cleansed and all things made new in a few hundred thousand years after this triggers WW3.
Still very interesting that a $57000 USD is all thats required to to create this horrific substance. So no complex refinement process just a reactor to cook the colbalt59 and create the cobalt60.
It does mean that any nation with a small even “test” reactor could create this. Just a matter of timing the wind direction so that it does not blow back into Lebonon lol.
G-d is going to melt it all and all the radionuclides will become encased. These clowns will be banished to the barren pompeic waste world
Yeshayah (Isaiah) 10:16-23 Therefore, the Lord, HaShem Almighty, will send a wasting disease upon his sturdy warriors; under his pomp a fire will be kindled like a blazing flame. The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers. The splendor of his forests and fertile fields it will completely destroy, as when a sick man wastes away. And the remaining trees of his forests will be so few that a child could write them down. In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of the house of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on HaShem, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God. Though your people, O Israel, be like the sand by the sea, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, overwhelming and righteous. The Lord, HaShem Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.
There is no need to over-bomb Hezbollah, they got hit with Shia and evolving backwards already.
Hmmm, it is a good thing that God is in charge. God will ultimately decide what is to be uninhabitable. You can read about those areas in the Holy Bible. Contaminated areas that God wants to be restored to a pristine condition will be touched by the healing waters flowing out of the temple as described in Ezekiel 47. Peace.
Now, that’s what i call a plan. We see their massive nuclear dead hand strike and we raise them a cobalt60 apocalypse. kablammo!
Of what we know by now, it is for sure there will be an Egypt-Sudan long clash.
And lots of available unbounded, fight ready and no-citizenship men in Gaza.
How does it sound to you mandatory military term service for transient lost souls from Gaza?
hell, i don’t know, superman, it worked for you with the ‘sunni insurgency’, until they raised you an Irano/hizballah breakout and potential Shia occupation. do you think that you’ll be able to pick them all off with unmanned drones, before they come back?
Iran your time has come…
first they light the fire, then they arrive dressed in the costume of a fire fighter with special instructions.