Pro-Iranian militia integrated in Iraq’s state army. Iranization of Iraq advances

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Friday decreed the inclusion of the pro-Iranian Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU)  in the country’s security forces. The paramilitary group, also known by its Arabic name Hashd al-Shaabi, will henceforth receive equivalent salaries and other benefits the same as the country’s military personnel under the Ministry of Defense. PMU members may also enroll in military colleges and institutions. DEBKAfile: The decree, which was issued ahead of Iraq’s May 12 general election, leaves the PMU under the direct command of Iran’s Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani. He has detached some of its units for special training to fight in Syria in the service of Tehran.

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89 thoughts on “Pro-Iranian militia integrated in Iraq’s state army. Iranization of Iraq advances

  • Mar 10, 2018 @ 14:20 at 14:20

    Very kind of iran to bolster the iraqi army with soldiers after the US warmongering foreign policy has visited iraq turning it into a mass grave hopefully the shiites will stop the US devious occupation of iraq.

  • Mar 10, 2018 @ 15:10 at 15:10

    There is no good side to Islam – today the Shites under Iran are the most dangerous but it does not matter if they are Shites or Sunnis when they are in conquest mode.

    All Muslims think that their way of live is superior to other forms of religion and secular life and most Muslims think that it gives them the right to kill, rape, torture, end freedom and terrorize.

    The US made the mistake in Iraq of not setting up an American interim government that would install a secular government like Turkey used to have before dictator Islamist Erdogan. It was 2.4 trillion down the drain with Americans being shut out of contracts which would at least partially recoup the billions spent on freeing people who do not respect nor want freedom.

    I find it strange how the leftists are on the side of Iran. Can you please explain “doesntmatter” why you love this Islamist abomination? What does it do for your leftist cause to align yourselves with people who will destroy you and your way of life?

    • Mar 10, 2018 @ 20:00 at 20:00

      Mr Anonymous……….im not a leftist, im not liberal either, im against leftist and liberals, im actually a conservative protestant christian and i dont love iran or muslims neither do i hate them for they are just humans under the control of an antichrist spirit, and the Word of God says that we Christians do not wage war against flesh and blood but against ‘principalities and powers’ of the air..which is evil spirits because the spiritual world controls the physical world so u have good and bad spirits trying to control each person and the one u feed the most will win your heart and the muslims are feeding the spirit of hate towards us but ask yourself why… because of the west military adventures in their countries killing and taking oil cause the spirit of greed and power controls them.
      i think if there was no western military adventures into the middle east but simp0ly trade then the middle east would be a diffirent place all together. if we dont like the bad things that iran or saudi does like no womans rights ect ect then we should fight that sprit in prayer and the God who overthrew babylon and the roman empire will overthrow saudi and iran…only if our nation is attacked should we go to war physically.

      • Mar 10, 2018 @ 22:30 at 22:30

        Sounds Like youre smoking to much of that wacky tabacci there in ann harbour or were ever you are hiding out safe. Unfortunately the Isreali Spiritual Channel is much less stati-ecker and clearer than the your Arab. Yes the mullahs can see what is happening in the world and they have been waiting patiently just like all the other “evil” you speak about. Please spare us, the ones who have some capacity of intelligence..your filfth and garb. If you want to keep spreading your hate go to california where they also dontcare if they insite the next round of riots. As we in the spiritual world say “never again” not we dont give a f@#$%

    • Mar 11, 2018 @ 3:59 at 3:59

      US needs to stop their murderous regime and it’s desperate attempts to keep propping up the petrodollar. But, americans are too dumd-downed and naive to know the truth. americans can no longer think for themselves. Leftist or Rightest, it doesn’t matter. Television is called programming for a reason-it’s to make you stupid and keep your head spinning around in circles! Politics is there to make you think that you have a choice, when in reality you don’t. All the politicians america has, but, the same problem is there tomorrow, a week from now, a year from now, 10 years from now,…

      The only thing americans need from the Middle East is the Bible, Yeshua (Jesus Christ), Christianity, Biblical Judaism, and the belief that there is one true G-d. Other than that, leave the area alone!!! You americans have made a complete mess out of the Middle East. Us Middle Eastern people could make do without america, but, you americans would be nothing without our Middle Eastern influence.

    • Mar 11, 2018 @ 5:36 at 5:36

      “All Muslims think that their way of live is superior to other forms of religion and secular life and most Muslims think that it gives them the right to kill, rape, torture, end freedom and terrorize.”

      You identify a real problem, but diminish your case by exaggerating it. It is not ALL Muslims who behave like this or wish to do so. Many Muslim leaders do promote such atrocities and there texts sacred to Islamic that do support such behavior. But there are also more tolerate texts that some follow. The majority of Muslims may be taught hate, but their inner voice prevents most of them from acting on it. For example, this article is about the hegemony that the leader of Iran seek in the ME. But at home their is evidence that the majority of their subjects are ready to overthrow their rule if they have a chance to do so and lead a more modern life.

      We do not dare let our guard down, but exaggerating the extent will not help us and may deny us natural allies in Muslim countries. We do not want rose colored glasses either. Realistically, the problem we face with a fraction of 1.5 Billion Muslims is large enough. But ALL is too pessimistic.

      • Mar 11, 2018 @ 5:39 at 5:39

        Opps, I should have edited my comments. Excuse the spelling and grammar issues, please.

  • Mar 10, 2018 @ 16:36 at 16:36

    This is Great!! Though I wish Iran would have intervened directly to stop the ISIS march on Baghdad. Then they could have pushed through to Syria…. Then pushed on to…..

    • Mar 10, 2018 @ 20:32 at 20:32

      the criminals will leave the iranians no choice but to occupy Palestine so as to prevent them from lashing out with atomic holocaust weapons from behind the human shield of the jewish people.

      • Mar 10, 2018 @ 20:54 at 20:54

        The only place fascist iran will occupy, is their own graves – as they did in their 8 year war with Iraq.

      • Mar 10, 2018 @ 22:25 at 22:25

        If Iran dares launch a single missile at Israel, rest assured that Israeli nukes will reduce Iran yo a shimmering sheet if molten glass. I speak as an Israeli for the majority of my countrymen. We have no patience for fatuous Iranian saber rattling. They list at least two dozen dead in last week’s Israeli surgical strikes deep inside Iran and Iran hasn’t the balls to respond, truth is they know better, lest they wake a sleeping cobra which is the IDF. Israel has already warned Hariri that no restraint will be shown to Lebanon should Hizbullah attack. They will lay waste to anything south of the Litani river, and that is if the Lebanese are lucky. We have a saying in Israel concerning the Chel Avir (Air Force) “you don’t fuck with the eagles unless you can fly “. And I have get to see any demonstration of Israeli it Syrian Air prowess. Shalom from Tel Aviv.

        • Mar 11, 2018 @ 5:54 at 5:54

          Determination, preparation and confidence in the justice one’s cause is useful. Underestimating a potential enemy, not so much. The IDF has indeed proven itself many times. Arrogance does not help it. Israel was almost lost from overconfidence in ’73. It was not so well prepared for the last major bout with Hezbollah. I think T. Roosevelt said, “speak softly and carry a big stick.”

          Just prepare your stick and keep quiet, I suggest.
          Bragging does not really reflect confidence and may invite testing.

          שלום from Portland,

        • Mar 11, 2018 @ 11:25 at 11:25

          No one will use nukes, to think so is inept

  • Mar 10, 2018 @ 22:30 at 22:30

    Sounds Like youre smoking to much of that wacky tabacci there in ann harbour or were ever you are hiding out safe. Unfortunately the Isreali Spiritual Channel is much less stati-ecker and clearer than the your Arab. Yes the mullahs can see what is happening in the world and they have been waiting patiently just like all the other “evil” you speak about. Please spare us, the ones who have some capacity of intelligence..your filfth and garb. If you want to keep spreading your hate go to california where they also dontcare if they insite the next round of riots. As we in the spiritual world say “never again” not we dont give a f@#$%

  • Mar 10, 2018 @ 22:46 at 22:46


  • Mar 11, 2018 @ 18:49 at 18:49

    An inevitable result of 16 years of American incompetence and sedition under Bush and Obama. I’m convinced the 2 worst and traitorous Presidents in America’s history who did incalculable damage to the US and set the world on a path to WW3.


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