Pro-Iranian militias encircle 55 refugee buses leaving Quneitra
In the face of all Russian efforts, pro-Iranian militias including Hizballah are obstructing the 55 buses taking refugees in flight from embattled Quneitra to the northern province of Idlib. Russian police units were escorting the convoy which is taking rebels to safe haven on Sunday, after they agreed to evacuate their homes rather than surrender to Syrian/Hizballah forces. DEBKAfile: The siege is spearheaded by the Iraqi Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia which is commanded by Qais al-Khazali, a crony of Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Hizballah’s Hassan Nasrallah. Their demands for releasing the refugee buses are still unknown, amid fears for their safety.
That’s the beginning of the war between Russia and Iran. Lol.
no, only of the narrative.
Of course, it puzzles Vladimir Vladimirovich, why does not Israel want Russia to provide security in Golan during the operation in Syria? Why does the shadow US government want to sacrifice its national [citizens] security over this issue?
Clearly they are looking for an excuse
to murder the convoy
Let’s see if the Russians let them get away
with it.
In which event no further surrenders
Only fight to the death scenarios .
I’m sure the Russians remember how the siege of Stalingrad went for both armies
The Gaza situation also requires evacuation of the population to Jordan for safety reasons, in small convoys of 100 buses by day.
go and make an agreeement with the adepts of the religion of peace
Russia will pull back as Russian Jets fall from the sky as Isaiah 17 is fulfilled.
Until then, God is utilizing Russia to embolden Islam for prophesy fulfillment.
Jeremiah 49:2
Russia shall supervise the ethnic cleansing.
Our Creator is removing the heathen from the Promised Land.
Psalm 83 & Obadiah 1
Israel is about to increase Israel’s borders.
Systematically softened up for the Israeli conquest.
Islamics must go and they are indeed 🙂 going.
Jeremiah 49:34-39 (God Placed Throne Control – Elam)
Elam is Southern Iraq & South Western Iran.
Holy scripture states Elam is about to be Decimated & Dismayed !
Dismayed in the time of the “Generation of the Fig Tree” !
God has placed His Throne down inside Elam, now.
Look at the map to see who controls the air & sea & commerce inside Elam.
Is it raining drinking water in Elam ? Irrigation ?
Crops growing ?
Dried up rivers ?
Rioting in Dismay ??? Yes …
V.V. Putin’s strategic “thinking” is quickly becoming another “Afghanistan” for the Russian military…
The Russian MPs are mostly Chechen (Sunnis). I hope they stand up for their brethren against the Afghans.
I don’t know, strategic pressure in Golan is a gift that keeps on giving.
Wait , No ROR!!?
The religion of peace (as seen by foolish leftists and promoted as such by Islamic liars) is actually the religion of death, destruction and conquest. The sooner the world realizes the danger we are in from a cult that sees life as a struggle to dominate and kill all opponents, the sooner we will have real peace without Islamism threatening our existence.
If there were 55 buses evacuating 442 people, that’s only 8 per bus. Doesn’t make sense.