Pro-Syrian force heads for Afrin town. Turkish air force bombs their route
DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources: The Popular Forces, which are allied with the Assad regime, set out Tuesday for Afrin City with tank support. This group is made up of Afghan Shiites and the Syrian Alawite Shabiha. No sooner had the force entered the Afrin enclave than Turkish warplanes took to the air to bomb their route to the city. These actions have brought Turkeu and Syria a step closer to a direct military clash in the Kurdish enclave. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan upped the ante by declaring: “The Turkish military will soon lay siege to Afrin city.
Soon they won’t have time to even look at us…….Is Alavai the same as inshalla?
wish good luck to all of them
may the bet team win
Well done TuAf. Keep up the good work
Israel needs to learn how to order is maintenance. If you aim to cut Iran’s hand, hit the Iranian militias.
Israel needs to learn how the order is maintenance. If you aim to cut Iran’s hand, hit the Iranian militias.
seriously, you jew bollocky types are rejoicing but don’t you realise that this is all just a shell game?
Assad/Russians have to take some T planes out of the air and kick T troops out of Syrian.
If you accept Assad as the legitimate government of Syria, then the government is just re-establishing its rule over areas that it does not control. That would then be legal. How the civilians are treated is the issue. So far, it does not look promising. Turkey must withdraw or risk open fighting with Syria, Russia and Iran.
Someone needs to bomb Erdogan out of existence.
Onwards to Damascus Erdogan!
Israel would be wise to take this last opportunity to remove iran from its borders.
They’ve missed every other opportunity by obeying US orders and now they have another failed state full of enemies on its borders.
By allying with the Turkish olive branch operation Israel can help end this mess.
Provide air support/intel to neutralise russian air defenses while Turkey boot hizballickers and ass-ads war criminals out of Syria. Turkey and Israel have more in common then differences.
Easier said then done but nothing good was ever easy
Erdogan is a JEWHADI……we know do not worry………ISISrael is disgusting filth !! we know what is going on….#gretaerisraelgenocide
Somebody made a mistake maintaining good people like you 73 years ago.
You have learned nothing from history, dude.
Erdogan the JEWHADI…….Israelis and dumb yanks are the only ones now believing their own lies……the world KNOWS who ISIS are now…….it is not looking good for you guys… talk about Iran but it is you guys who you are describing…….GREATER ISRAEL GENOCIDE…….