Prominent politician Tzipi Livni is retiring
A former foreign minister, minister of justice, once leader of the defunct Kadima party, and until recently, leader of the opposition, MK Tzipi Livni called a news conference on Monday amid expectations of her retirement from political life at the age of 60. Her Hatnuah party joined with Labor on the initiative of its former leader Yitzhak Herzog after the last election. Four years later, his successor Avi Gabbay publicly dissolved the partnership in a brutal public announcement last month. Livni’s Hatnuah faction has since plummeted in the polls to below the minimum 3.25pc threshold for entry to the Knesset in the April 9 election. Her merger talks with opposition party leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid were inconclusive. Livni served in eight cabinet positions through her career, setting a record for any Israeli woman. She never attained the top spot of prime minister. Livni led several rounds of talks with Palestinian leaders and up until the present, remains an outspoken champion of negotiations with the Palestinians for a two-state peace accord.
Beaten more times than my persian carpet, she will miss her romantic fantasies of peace with Arabs. I wish her a happy retirement; we will not need look over our shoulders for friendly fire..
All that needs to be said are two words: GOOD RIDDANCE! The traitorous Livni is a disgrace to her family, her heritage & her country; thank G-d she is leaving the political arena, in which she caused so much damage.
Praise the Lord.
The only politician I trust. From today I will vote empty
Thankfully she has become irrelevant. Had me worried there a few years ago.
Tzipi Livni is the Hillary Clinton of Israel.
Good Bye to both looozers.
‘Beware the Woman who changes her hair and gets a Facelift and Makeover’ – she’s looking for a new boyfriend. An old Turk once told me that, so I know it’s true
Livni’s ‘Don’t Cry for Me Argentina’ Hustle
Livni has positioned herself perfectly for her triumphant return as the savior of Israel once Netanyahu is toppled from power. This is essentially her ‘I Shall Return Speech’, as she builds the dynamics of her staircase to return to power once she officially she ‘steps down’ from Israeli politics
This Mossad Madonna is awaiting the trainwreck of Netanyahu’s double indictments from both Israel and America (over Kushner/UN 2334 and Zamel/PsyGroup rigging of the election), then, on cue and just as a confused desperate electorate is crying for a savior, she will triumphantly return to captain the freshly minted post-Kahanist Israel into the future
As far as post-Kahanist leadership cultivated by America, Lapid was ungroomable by Hillary and Kerry and ‘Hillary’s Gamechanger’ Lieberman was out of the question – Livni was always their 1st choice. Back in the day anyway, before, well, before what’s happening right now changed everything
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