Putin heads for easy election victory for fourth term
Across Russia, 97,000 polling stations are open Sunday for 111 million eligible voters to confirm Vladimir Putin’s fourth term as president at 65. The multiple challenges he faces in his next six-year term including spiraling recession and a mounting standoff with the West. This is dramatized by the row with Britain over the poisoning of a former spy, the probes into Russian meddling in the US 2016 election and Russian intervention in Syria. None of Putin’s seven rivals polled more than eight percent ahead of the vote. Exit poll results are expected immediately and the final count by Monday.
Putin is the best president for Russia at such a very dangerous time…the man has wisdom!! Anyone else would have either sold Russia out to the deep state or plunged Russia into a nuclear war already….
Dude….in Russia Putin IS the deep state.
Where are the facts of spiraling recession? Totally Fake news. They managed to restore the military industry on a big scale and agriculture. All the rest is really not important. I have been reading Western expectations of Russian collapse and disintegration for many years, at least 10 years and it has not come. On the contrary, Western Europe and the US establishment screams about grave Russian military danger. In part, this is to detract population from the real and present danger of Islam conquer of which, at least in Western Europe it is too late to talk since it is practically under Muslim control. In the US a titanic struggle with Islamized elite is in progress and I believe that Muslims cannot win. Although Obama carried out an incredible job by infiltrating Islam in all security apparatus and Washington swamp. If Trump survive and the chances are good, especially with Pence and Evangelists behind him, it will be the greatest setback for the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam. But the struggle between Trump and Netanyahu who are at the epicenter of this struggle and the phoney “Russian danger” reaching amock may really trigger a nuclear confrontation. In any case, Iran should be destroyed without fear of Russian entering the war. Israel has no choice and it should be done with a lightning speed and suddenly. This latter means a great caution in cooperation with America infiltrated by the 5th column and with understanding how deeply entrenched is the 5th column in Israel.