Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, 29, murdered by a terrorist
Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, 29, father of four, from Har-Beracha near Nablus, was stabbed to death by an Israeli Arab terrorist outside Ariel Monday. The rabbi was waiting at a hitch-hiking post when the killer attacked him with two knives. The terrorist escaped pursuit. IDF units are combing two Palestinian villages for the fugitive.
Another gesture of peace from The Fakestinians, our “peace partners”.
“No, he must have been a random pathological whackooo, everyone has a proportion of them. Tragic for the Rabbi, so unfortunate.(yeah, hurray).” Tell the left to talk out of the other end they will suddenly make sense maybe.
Its just another crazy settler – who cares?certainly not the goverment! The goverment wants to be politically correct- even for the cost of jewish lives….As long as its just a crazy, religious settler nobody in the gov. Cares….they care for their volvos and bankaccounts….Time for new leadership !