Rashida Tlaib rejects Israel’s offer to let her to visit her grandmother
US Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib changed her mind after requesting and receiving Israel’s permission to visit her 90-year old Palestinian grandmother on the West Bank. She tweeted that the visit “under these oppressive conditions stand against everything I believe in.”
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri commented: “I agreed to this humanitarian request but it turns out that it was just a provocation for embarrassing Israel. Her hatred for Israel is greater than her love for her grandmother.”
Yep, Israel swallowed it hook line and sinker. People are going to have to start to listen to Trump. We see how desperate the liberals in America are, they voted in such a person. They would rather see their nation fall then realize they are fools.
Who is “they” Lewis?
A bipartisan group of more than 70 Members of Congress recently returned from a fact-finding trip to Israel and the region (to hear from all sides), and there was nothing that prevented Omar and Tlaib from traveling with that group (and the Israeli government has said that they would have both been admitted without controversy or incident had they been part of that delegation), but they chose to make a separate trip because their purpose was not fact-finding, but stirring the pot. Tlaib has now been granted permission to visit Israel to visit her grandmother, though Omar is still barred. That Tlaib tweeted that she wouldn’t be visiting her grandmother if she had to behave herself while in Israel (she claimed she was being treated like a criminal – no, just treated like a drama queen) exposes her true and hateful purpose, and reveals that this was just another “Pallywood” stunt.
When you visit a foreign country, keep in mind that it is a “privilege” and not an “obligation” for your host.
Regardless who you are. Also there is a limit in a democratic country to accept someone that it sole purpose is to bad mouth, and criticize your host.
Have a Palestinian journalist interview the grandmother! I’m curious what she thinks of her granddaughter’s refusal to visit her, after Israel granted permission.
PS Interview preferably on video and put it on youtube.
Rashida Tlaib is our great hero and jihad fighter, she will strangle her own mother without hesitation for hurting the Jew enemy, she is strong and beautiful and very well infiltrated at the very heart of the American enemy.
She deserves to command Hamas at a minimum, if not the whole PA in place of the profiteering band of the billionaire Abbas.
“Rashida Tlaib is our great hero and jihad fighter, she will strangle her own mother without hesitation for hurting the Jew enemy”,…YOU & Rashida are IDIOTS !
That her hatred for Israel is greater than her love of her grandmother shows us that she, like you, is a terrorist who should be exterminated,….
Reminds me of Feinstein, Schumer and Pelosi
Attempting to trick trump early on, with the Dreamers,then pull back the comprehensive reform, …but it stands to reason that some Dems act like scum terrorists
She never wanted to visit her grandma this was all a deliberate act to make Trump and Israel look bad.
Truth, . . . truth, . . . truth
Does she even have a grand mother? You can never tell with these liars. Sad but funny how their leaders take advantage of the sheep. Nothing has changed. All arabs are the same. The muslim world is all the same. Just like the sheep of Adha. Arafat lined his pockets from UNRWA and now the Hamas guys doing the same. It became a culture for them to go around with the hat collecting biig bakhshish. I wonder if the arab states still give them handouts. And now Rashisha’s turn. Make noise and make sure the hat is out. Funny!! Without Israel to hate they are nothing. No way they want peace! They’ll b out of a job. Gullible Europe will run out of monkeys that dance for a penny.
Well said indeed, George. Thanks !
She had No intention to follow the rules set out. She was always going to be critical of Israel.
She is a Radical ANTI Israel member of Congress.
Shame on those who back her up, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, AIPAC and etc.
It exposes the Media for Condemning Tlaib either!
It was Public Relations Stunt, now Investigate and End Department of Education Funding of BDS Organizing Lectures using Taxpayers Dollars for Hate! Tlaib Grandmother used as a Pawn by Ungrateful Granddaughter!
For NOT Condemning Tlaib, Correction!