Russia says US is “pretending to fight ISIS”

Russian defense ministry spokesman Maj.-General Igor Konashenkov Tuesday accused the United States of deliberately reducing air strikes in Iraq, to allow the jihadists to stream across into eastern Syria and slow the Russian-backed advance of the Syrian army. As a result, ISIS in large numbers had reached Deir ez-Zour and were digging in on the left bank of the River Euphrates. The Russian spokesman said Syrian troops were in the midst of trying to push Islamic State out of the city of al-Mayadin, southeast of Deir al-Zor, but that ISIS was reinforcing its ranks there with “foreign mercenaries” pouring in from Iraq.

DEBKAfile: The Russian charge against the US is unfounded. Moscow is trying the blame game to divert attention from the grave shortage of ground troops for the Russian-backed Syrian offensive against ISIS strongholds in eastern Syria.  The only credible fighting force on this front is provided by Hizballah.

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4 thoughts on “Russia says US is “pretending to fight ISIS”

  • Oct 10, 2017 @ 13:27 at 13:27

    The U.S. should never have bothered to fight ISIS and instead should have left ISIS to fight with Iran and its allies including Russia. It is not worth the cost in both lives and money fighting ISIS so that Iran and its allies are given an advantage by the U.S. doing most of the fighting against ISIS for them. Assad and his allies expected to find a weakened and defeated ISIS in eastern Syria that would have been easy to conquer thanks to the U.S. but instead found a very resistant ISIS that they are now complaining about. The U.S. should just leave ISIS and Iran to kill each other off. At least Iran is paying the Russians to be in Syria.

    • Oct 10, 2017 @ 16:58 at 16:58

      Thanks to USA?!?!? You are kidding I hope. USA fighting ISIS? Wow…

  • Oct 11, 2017 @ 20:58 at 20:58

    ISISRAEL…..ISISRAEL…..all for the GREATER ZIONIST EXTREMIST PROJECT……lol….you boys are in deep trouble…….do know what is rumbling ?

  • Oct 13, 2017 @ 15:44 at 15:44

    Its an excellent idea to leave Sunni Arabs and Iranians Shiite to kill each other ad infinitum. Just to watch that they do not unite and leave their natural habitat that includes Western Europe.


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