Russia and China blame US for Iran’s partial withdrawal from nuclear pact

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on a visit to Tehran Wednesday reaffirmed Moscow’s support for the 2015 accord and blamed the US for undermining it. He spoke after his counterpart, Mohammed Javad Zarif, had announced that Iran would “diminish its commitments” to the accord.  Lavrov said Moscow would continue to work with the remaining signatories after the US withdrawal, to ensure obligations are honored. Germany and the UK urged Tehran to uphold the pact. The chancellor’s spokesman said: “We as Europeans, as Germans, will play our part and we expect full implementation from Iran as well.” In London, a 10 Downing Street spokesman said: “Iran’s decision to no longer respect the terms of the deal with world powers is an “unwelcome step” that could lead to new Western sanctions. Britain would hold talks with its partners, particularly France and Germany, over its next steps.


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10 thoughts on “Russia and China blame US for Iran’s partial withdrawal from nuclear pact

  • May 8, 2019 @ 18:23 at 18:23

    They should rather blame the boomphet Explozammad

  • May 8, 2019 @ 20:07 at 20:07

    Could someone please explain to me how the Ayatollahs rationalize a connection between sanctions (aimed at breaking support for terror and development of intercontinental ballistic “defensive” missiles) has to do with enriching uranium??????????

    Enriching uranium will pay their bills?!

    • May 8, 2019 @ 20:22 at 20:22

      It is all about self esteem: the decrepit old ayatollah had the last erection he can remember about some 20 years ago. Still, he believes he might get a new fresh one, and very stiff, provided he could previously caress an atomic bomb.

  • May 8, 2019 @ 21:41 at 21:41

    Of course. They’re commies and are joined with the muslims. And you were expecting anything else?

    • May 11, 2019 @ 6:22 at 6:22

      However, the Commies may ultimately regret forming an alliance with the Islamo-Fascists. Does anyone remember the Ribbentrop-Molotov (Hitler-Stalin) Pact and what happened to the Soviet Union on June 21, 1941? Uncle Joe Stalin was not too happy with his erstwhile “allies'” commitment to abide their agreement with him!

  • May 8, 2019 @ 21:59 at 21:59

    Would they veto any new sanctions against iran at UN Security Council? I think so

  • May 8, 2019 @ 23:50 at 23:50

    The deal was worthless. A lie. This why liars are defending it.

  • May 9, 2019 @ 16:18 at 16:18

    Iran was complicit with Anti Ship Missiles being fired in Libya at Shipping vessels. Iran is funding attacks on Israel, Iran funded the Hezbollah blowing up the Marine Barracks I Lebanon and the US has a score to settle with the Killing of American Marines. Iran imported IED Devices into Iraq that were used against American troops. Iran is destabilizing other Countries and exporting Terrorism world wide. Tell the Mullahs to eat Sand.

  • May 10, 2019 @ 10:17 at 10:17

    Russia and China always blame the West for everything – no surprise.

    For a while it looked as if both “superpowers were going to emerge from the 3rd world but now it appears as if they are too much in love with their totalitarian and Communist roots to become more civilized and responsible for their own actions.


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