Russia calls US remaining in Syria “close to occupation”

Russia has accused Washington of disregarding international law, following a report that US troops will remain in Syria after the defeat of ISIS in order to prop up local Kurdish forces and put pressure on Damascus. A foreign ministry spokesperson in Moscow said the US remaining in Syria was “close to occupation.”

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12 thoughts on “Russia calls US remaining in Syria “close to occupation”

  • Nov 23, 2017 @ 22:43 at 22:43

    The US Military forces in Syria are there Illegally.

    That makes them Illegal Combatants.

    Under International Law, Syria and it’s Allies has every right to drive any Illegal Combatants out of Syria.

    Or if they don’t leave, to Kill them.

    • Nov 23, 2017 @ 23:59 at 23:59

      Bad idea, they will go home in a few months. use force where it is useful

    • Nov 24, 2017 @ 4:44 at 4:44

      No need , just pressure the Kurds and US will leave peacefully.

  • Nov 23, 2017 @ 23:56 at 23:56

    Illegal? If they were invited by the Kurds to help them in Kurd areas, it’s no occupation. Are only the Alawites in Syria allowed to invite other countries to help them?

    • Nov 24, 2017 @ 15:01 at 15:01

      Nobody invited them and by the way the one must have the right coming from legal votes to invite. Or is it a picnic?

  • Nov 24, 2017 @ 2:13 at 2:13

    Great point. If the world is sincerely interested in creating new nations for displaced people groups let it start with Khurdistan. If it works then we can discuss a nation for the Philistines

    • Nov 25, 2017 @ 9:51 at 9:51

      oui, en ouganda ou en sibérie

  • Nov 24, 2017 @ 6:46 at 6:46

    above is bs . the kurds are not displaced people in syria or iraq their enemy was isis and has been defeated, the us has no mandate to be in syria period

    • Nov 24, 2017 @ 7:54 at 7:54

      Save for the fact they are being targeted by Iran (which has created hegemony in the middle east), Hezbollah and Iraq… the Kurds are copacetic.

  • Nov 24, 2017 @ 8:45 at 8:45

    When will the Alawites return the land of all the Christians, Jews, Assyrians, Zoroastrians, Bahai and Druze who were oppressed by the Alawites?!?!? Do remember, Syria, Turkey and Lebanon used to be largely populated by Christians.

    When will Saladin return Turkey, Bosnia, Albania and Syria to the Christians?

    When the Alawites lost control of their territory and another government was set up those areas (by IS) Syria lost sovereignty over those areas. The Kurds fought IS to free their territories when Syria failed to do so. If a country fails to protect and provide equally for a territory then they lose sovereignty rights.

    Particularly, where that territory is the home of a distinctly different sect of people, that people has the right to claim independence from their oppressor.

    It is hypocritical for Syria, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iraq, Jordan or any other post-colonial country to then enforce colonial rule on other peoples.

    The maps for the ME were drawn wrong by ignoramuses and it is time to correct this error.

    Finally, I hope your realize that Syria is no longer a sovereign state, right?! It owes it’s existence to, and is now a client puppet state of Iran and Russia which will continued to ‘occupy’, prop up and pull the strings. Right now, Iran alone has over 20 bases in Syria. Bashir Assad is a war criminal who used Chemical Weapons targeting civilians and needs to be tried as a war criminal in The Hague. He attacked his own citizens and he sold his country’s resources out so he could remain ‘Crony-in-Chief’.

    • Nov 24, 2017 @ 12:47 at 12:47

      That is BS. An in the end it STILL does not explain what right do the US have to be in Syria?


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