Russia deploys a second S-400 division to Crimea
A second Russian S-400 air defense missile division has been deployed on the Crimean Peninsula. Its task was defined by a Russian military source as “to timely locate and, if necessary, destroy aerial targets on the Ukrainian side threatening Crimea.” DEBKAfile: The additional S-400s were posted in response to the deployment at Ukraine’s Black Sea port of Odessa of the USS Carney Tomahawk-cruise capable destroyer, less than 300 km away from Sevastopol, home base of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
yea considering there hit rate in Syria i would want much more sams as well
where has an S-400 been fired at a hostile aircraft? results?
they couldn’t even deal with 60 old tomahawks that barley go 800 mph only 1 got shot down iaf has launch over 13 attacks not once could the “best air defense system” couldn’t even deal with 40 year old aircraft then a Kremlin insider admits the system has some serious flaw
I do not think that you have any idea of what are talking about first of all they fired 32 tomahawks that mysteriously lost there guidance systems and fell into the med. a flurry of phone calls were made followed by another launch? second of all any S-400 3-300 Pansair systems are to protect Russian personnel period when U.S or Israeli combat enter the airspace that the Russians are concerned about there electronic commutation systems and (radar systems) are briefly shut down as a alert and they turn back don’t take my word for it check it out for yourself.
riiiiight they keep the best in reserve ? please tell me more the whole reason a sam is build is to protect the airspace of ones country there is more to be lost by not using them on old tomahawks that have no pilot and would have not caused any incident the russians are either incompetent or the s300 s400 sucks and i know the russians are not dumb they wouldve used it if they could the reports that they shut it down are hilarious they got to save face for the low iq masses on rt and Pravda so to cover up for the system they have to say they didnt have the radar on IN WARTIME ???? ha not buying your snake oil
@spector, from Quora, “we have no reason to believe that an S-400 complex opened fire on the Tomahawk strike that occurred on the morning of 7APR2017.”
do you have an informative link?
@spector, answering my own question lol, again from Quora – a post by “Kaan Öztürk, Mechatronics (2003-present)” stated on April 11 “They were not active…”
– no idea who he is
@spector, I am not aware that an S-400 has fired on the IAF, would appreciate a link.
Note that I am in Costa Rica and have not a Kremlin insider to give me the low-down.
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