Russia offers to mediate Palestinian-Israeli dispute

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during a two-day visit to Rome that Moscow is ready to act as mediator and host a meeting between Israelis and Palestinians. Peace talks have been frozen since 2014 when Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas launched a unilateral campaign for recognition. Abbas has since rejected the US as a party to any peace process.

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10 thoughts on “Russia offers to mediate Palestinian-Israeli dispute

  • Nov 24, 2018 @ 14:46 at 14:46

    No thank you Russia and Putin. We have all seen how badly negotiations with the Russians have gone in Syria with the Syrian opposition. Out of four agreed deconfliction zones, only one still exists because the Russians have broken their words and promises while helping and allowing Assad to attack these agreed to areas in order to capture them. These zones were just a cover up for Assad to regroup and buy time to attack them later under better conditions. You really cannot trust the Russians these days because they break all of their agreements. Don’t trust them and Putin. They are Iran’s best ally.

    • Nov 24, 2018 @ 15:03 at 15:03

      You’re right. After what has happened in Syria between Bibi and Putin regarding the S-300s, Israel cannot trust Putin and the Russia ever again. The Russians arm support all of the terrorists that want to destroy us.

      • Nov 24, 2018 @ 18:49 at 18:49

        The Palestinian-Israeli dispute must absolutely and imperious necessary be discussed good and serious, with a cool head and sincere desire of peace.

        First, all Palestinians must temporarily group tight together somewhere apart, and most important not in contact with Israelis, like for a sample in Jordan or Syria, or a small region on the border of Jordan and Syria under UN supervision.

        This should permit to refine and unify the views of all Palestinian fractions. Will also greatly reduce stress and the afterthoughts of both parts, the Hamas government and the Israel government.

        After that, it all becomes suddenly very simple: cool discussions may commence!

  • Nov 24, 2018 @ 18:38 at 18:38

    Goys, learn to read: Russia WILL mediate. US of Israel WILL NOT mediate.

    • Nov 24, 2018 @ 20:18 at 20:18

      Of course they wont they need this to continue?

  • Nov 24, 2018 @ 19:51 at 19:51

    Considering the records Russia can mediate successfully if Israel wants. In the recent past they managed to bring at the same table traditional archenemies, such as Turkey and Iran, Pakistan and India, China and Japan. Rather impressive list.

  • Nov 24, 2018 @ 20:37 at 20:37

    Those who study the Jewish Scriptures know that it’s Russia who comes down from the far north to physically attack Israel……what sense would make to have a country like Russia who has killed millions of it’s own people without so much as a public word of sorrow or regret, to then forge a deal with Israel, when all of the Muslim nations have it in their charter to destroy Israel and America. The Russians have a great sense of foul humor or either a big set of stones, or are the devils we think they are.

  • Nov 25, 2018 @ 7:56 at 7:56

    Is there peace between Iraqis and Iraqis? Saudis & Yemenis? Syrians and Syrians? Yemenis and Yemenis? Sunnis & Shiites? Algerians and Algerians? Bahrainis and Bahraines? Palestinians and Lebanese? etc…. even between Fateh and Hamas? ……….. in history when 2 groups in the Arab world fight it goes forever for hundreds of years and usually with many casualties. In history of Arab world there were 2 tribal wars which nearly wiped out the Arabs in history, one was” Dahes & Alghabraa” war (a tribal war as a result of horse race ) and the other “Albasoos war” ( a war over a slained camel)…………. so do you really think a more serious conflict will find an audience among Arabs???? you would be fools to believe that…………. peace has no audience or fans in Arab world……….

  • Nov 26, 2018 @ 13:11 at 13:11

    ”COR” Dont Fall for Murdering Mohammed Poison Putins Chess Playing Tricks?…..Isreali Enemy No1 Russia’s Poison Putin is your Jewish worst Nightmare but looks like that little WEAK Appeaser NUT-anyahu will try to Suck Putins Cock and Shake his Poisonous Hands.

    Russia Putin has Stabbed Israel in the Back,Chest and Arse as Mohammed Poison Putin laughs at Nut-anyahu’s quiteness as the Failed Israeli Airforce,Mo-SoSad and IDF Bow down to their No1 Enemy Poison Putin and OBEY his every word ….When Prophet Mohammed Poison Putin Told Israeli Airforce to Stop all Syrian Activity they Stopped and have been very Silent for 4 Weeks.
    The very Weak Appeaser that has No Vision or Plans to Protect his Civilians from Powerful Hamas and Hizballah/Iran and is Scared to Upset his NEW MASTER Poisonous Putin.
    but he will try to Beg Putin to let him Play with his little Airforce Toys once Again…..What a Laughing Stock Israel has become…Facts not Israeli Lies of Fiction.


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