Russia vetoes US motion for probe of chemical weapons use in Syria
The Russian ambassador cast a veto against the US draft resolution calling for the UN Security Council to establish a body to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria. This was the 13th Russian veto for a Security Council motion against its Syrian ally.
But, I’m telling you, please believe me, I know of a truly honest Russian.
If I remember well his name was Michiurin, he’s the one who has discovered something about apples, or maybe apple cider or apple vodka. And he’ll never tell a lie while drunk.
Unfortunately, the ambassador was not drunk.
Women belong in the kitchen
LOL, the claim it to be false flag and at the same time Veto an investigation into the alleged chemical attack!
when bombs beging dropping i’ll guess they’ll just look the other way! as always never trust a russian!
Comrades and tovarishchi, there was no bombing, no bombing at all!
And, even if a little, mostly very minuscule bombing was there, all bombs were falling up, not at all down!
This is the truth, and the imperialists Americans know nothing!
I’m not sure if this is the half truth or not because there is another source said that US also block Russia move to probe of chemical use in Syria either. It seem that both side try to block each other resolution. But why Debka only report that Russia block US resolution??
Why not investigate the White Helmets, their funding and the terrorist they work with? While the U.N. on the ground in Syria investigating, hostilities could wind down.