Russian Defense chief on surprise visit to Damascus
Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu arrived in Damascus without warning on Tuesday with an urgent message from President Vladimir Putin which he thereupon presented to President Bashar Assad. DEBKAfile reports: This was the first contact between any Russian official and Assad since the Syrian president visited Tehran on Feb. 25 and met supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, without informing Moscow. Gen. Shoigu arrived in Damascus 24 hours after the armed forces’ chiefs of Iran, Syria and Iraq sat down there and charted a series of military steps, which left no room for the Russian officers stationed in Syria to take part.
Maybe best just stay out of this simmering frey and see if Yah, yhwh will intercede on behalf of the wise and meek of the earth.
Yeshaya 30
8. Now, come write it on a tablet with them, and on a book engrave it, and it shall be for the last day, forever to eternity….
12. Therefore, so said the Holy One of Israel, “Because you have despised this matter, and you have put your trust in oppression and a perverse one, and you have relied upon it.
13. Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach of a falling [wall], revealed in a fortified wall, whose breach will come suddenly.”
14. And He shall break it like the breaking of a potter’s jug, crushed without pity, and in its crushing shall not be found a shard, to scoop fire from a hearth, or to scoop water from a cistern.
Yeshaya 45:9 ” … … Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.
15. For so said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel “With tranquility and restfulness shall you be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might; but you did not want.
Hard to tell if they will even seek the Kremlin’s approval for their joint defense-offense treaty. Moscow is only interested in outflanking NATO from the east (eastern Mediterranean) and the south (Libya). Putin destroyed the Syrian rebels so they wouldn’t interfere with that plan the way Afghan rebels drove the Ruskies out of Afghanistan. The Russians say they’re concerned about “chaos” in the region. Probably the only reason for their concern isn’t humanitarian or political, but strategic…How would this new Shiite alliance impact the Kremlin’s desire for a “stable” Russian presence, allowing them to intimidate Europe without fear of the kind of Afghan popular resistance they had to face in the 1980s?