Russian officer: 14 submariners who died prevented a bigger tragedy
An unnamed high-ranking Russian officer, speaking on Monday at the funerals of 14 sailors who died in the nuclear submarine disaster last week, said they had prevented a much bigger tragedy. He paid tribute to their heroism: “Today we are seeing off the crew of a research deep water apparatus, who died while performing a combat mission in the cold waters of the Barents Sea. Fourteen dead, 14 lives,” he is quoted as saying. “At the cost of their lives, they saved the lives of their comrades, saved the ship, did not allow a planetary catastrophe.” The officer did not reveal what exactly occurred or what major incident was averted. They were buried in Serafimov cemetery near the monument to the 118 Russiana killed when the Kursk nuclear submarine sank in 2000.
Serafimov cemetery now has a blueish night. As the “sailors” aka atomic sub operators got blessed with the forces of nature propelling their rusty ship. So glow in peace.
evil scum, only fit to polish their boots
igor, you’re a sick SOB !
Таких “ржавых кораблей ” не существует в мире. Это единственный корабль с ядерной установкой способный двигаться на глубине до 6км.
All who face the perils of the sea do not gloat at the loss of these Russian Seamen.
The Russian official is quoted as saying that the Seamen died during a “combat mission”.
Combat with who?
Who else could have been at such great depths, but, perhaps, the USA?
However, if there had been an attempted takeover of the sub, as has been speculated, it could have been combat between the Russian Navy and a hostile “movement”.
In other words, internal combat.
But, since Russia doesn’t have a Democratic Party, what “movement” could that have been?
A nuclear reactor sinking has never caused a potential environmental catastrophe. It has occurred 3 times, at least, before this.
Сражаться с глубинами ,рельефом ,течениями. Демократизм это высшая форма фашизма .США как и немецкая исключительная нация не признает международного трибунала ,как и Гитлер поставили под ружье всю Европу и вышли на границы что вышел Рейх в 1941г.Поскольку только Россия имеет опыт исключения из исключительных на протяжении 1000 лет,то другой силы на планете просто нет остановить распространение этой заразы.
@Syd- Interesting comment. Though It is probably just another accident. The men’s families may feel slightly better if this is covered as “a combat situation”…a complete waste of human life and as well as some of their best trained people.
Reading between the lines, one of these two alternatives is what it must have happened. Otherwise the US govt would not have been called to an emergency defence meeting at the same time as the Russians. The real cause will be hushed up by the Russians, but there was most likely a mutiny/coup by a group allied with the NWO that either wanted to create problems for Trump and stop the AG and IG investigations into the Clinton collusion with the Russians that was designed to destroy Trump and/or start a world war to further their aims.
The alternative scenario was that it was a dictatorial native Russian group that wanted to put the Russian government under an ultimatum to change with a threat from the sub.
However since the normal crew resisted the coup and won (with the number of their own that paid the price of death unknown), the revolt against the Putin-led Russian government failed.
we should recognize the courage and sacrifice of these men who could have evacuated and left it to it fate and the danger to the planet..Id only hope that if it was american crew’s training that they would sacrifice their lives to prevent a tragic contamination of the water’s. They could be anyone and Id give them respect even if a foe as we see Russia and thats wrong ussr been gone for years and our dem. party needs enemies and labeled Russia as a foe…they want peace as much as us…leadership issues here and abroad..shame…thanks to these sailor’s and their families and many think they are heroes…and Im from Tennessee…we forget who we are at times..
In a non war situation Russia can’t keep causing this sort of problem and ask their citizens to keep laying down their lives for someone’s incompetence. I see this as a micro Chernobyl type waste of human life.
Restoration of baths in Noginsk