Russian official slams Israeli air strike in Syrian territory

Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Wednesday that the Israeli Air Force strike on Syria territory is “contrary to the principles of international law and leads to an escalation of tensions.” He added that the Russian foreign ministry “is in contact with all our partners to find out the circumstances” of the attack.

Bogdanov spoke the day after Israel’s national security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat held talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Nikolay Patrushev on Syria and Iran.

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16 thoughts on “Russian official slams Israeli air strike in Syrian territory

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 13:59 at 13:59

    Isn’t firing rockets at the Golan against international law? You reap what you sow. Get used to it!

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:13 at 15:13

      Short Answer: According to Russia – No!

      Long Answer:
      Don’t pay talk of international law any mind. The only truism in international law justice is that might is right. As far as international “laws” go they are lose and open to widely varying interpretations. Russia in particular have a very selective, creative and first and foremost self-serving and hypocritical interpretation of international law. No country tops Russia.

      Russia holds Syria completely blameless, and fully justified in it’s actions. Russia considers Syria to be merely exercising its sovereign rights in the Golan. Furthermore Russia considers Israel to be an aggressor and interfering in Syria’s internal affairs through its military action. All Syrian and Iranian provocations are good, Israeli self-defense is bad. This is because Russia’s policy is that the Golan belongs to Syria. Therefore Syria shot rockets at itself. Or Iran shot rockets at Syria with Syria’s permission. Either way it’s none of Israel’s business. Russia’s considers international law to allow a country to do anything it darn well wants within it’s own borders, while the concept of borders is something quite fluid (conveniently).

      I’m not saying Russia is right. I am just explaining how their convoluted thinking works. They are wrong. And evil. Israel should not have allowed Russia to get a foothold in Syria. Russia is running interference as Iran has slowly stepped up it’s aggression against Israel in an attempt to “boil the frog” without Israel striking back hard.

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:17 at 17:17

        You have it all wrong comrade. Golan does not belong to Syria, it belong to MOTHER RUSSIA! So does Alaska and Texas. It is time for you to stop being better than us at everything, it make us feel insecure like dumb chimpanzee with flat head, so please keep loan us money from your banks while we give nuke and missile to Iran and North Korea.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 14:55 at 14:55

    stinky diseased sahrmoutas will perish and theit diseased sahrmouthas mothas too

    • Nov 21, 2019 @ 17:44 at 17:44

      Ha ha. Here is the crazy “Jim Carol” again with his fascination with “sharmoutas” which he spelled in two different ways and “mothas.” He’s talking about moths again. What is his fascination with this insect?

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:53 at 15:53

    Israel is the lap dog of neither Russia nor the USA. The day the USA elects another liberal anti-Jew fool and Russia joins military with S. Korea, China and the Moo-slimes, to war against Israel, is the day of my redemption, and I welcome it. BRING IT, commies.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:50 at 17:50

    Russia, Russia, Russia. Where have we heard that before? Israel has to do what it needs to do for security.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:35 at 18:35

    Russia unfortunately is the world’s leading sponsor of terror having supported Islamic Natzis in their wars against Israel in 1956, 1967, 1972, 1982, and today all our enemies are always armed and instructed by Russia and their Ally Nazi Iranian and Nazi Syrian Regime google Hezbollah Salute and you will see the old Nazi salute used in Nazi Germany! Russia does not care about any international laws they th iij no there is no G-D and they think they are just like Pharoah did! Russia has murdered 100,000’s of Syrians and have helped Iran murder countless Sunnnis, Yazidis, etc! Russia has become evil!

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 20:08 at 20:08

    It appears that the Israel will hit back hard at those that fire missiles into Israel. Russia could warn Iran not to provoke Israel again nor attack American troops.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 21:39 at 21:39

      Russia does not really want to tangle with Israel. They are already stretched thin anyway. It would be an even match, over in Israel’s neck of the woods in the Middle East, Netanyahu already told Putin, if they turn on the S-400 missile battery on Israel’s fighter jets, Israel will target and destroy the batteries and their operators. Actually, I give the military advantage to Israel in the Middle East.

      Israel will do what they need to do to survive. They have no choice.

  • Nov 21, 2019 @ 6:49 at 6:49

    Again family feud Israel attacking the land of its mothers

    • Nov 21, 2019 @ 13:30 at 13:30

      Do not presume to say to yourselves, We have the yichus (proud lineage), we have the zechut Avot (merit of the Fathers) of Avraham Avinu (our father Abraham). For I say to you that Hashem is able to raise up from these avanim (stones) banim (sons) of Avraham. And already the ax is laid at the shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees); therefore, every etz not producing pri tov (good fruit) is cut down and thrown into the eish (fire).

  • Nov 21, 2019 @ 17:28 at 17:28

    Israel can destroy Russia and the Russians know it. Now Israel will perish in that exchange, MAD. Nonetheless, Russia would be wise to avoid that confrontation if they value their major cities and millions of their citizens. Same with the Muslims.

  • Nov 21, 2019 @ 19:18 at 19:18

    Boris Neanderslov, ty prosto dolboyob.

  • Nov 22, 2019 @ 17:23 at 17:23

    Is it against International Law for Israel to defend itself against missile be fired from Syria into Israel? The Russians have no credibility and lack any ability to stop the Iranians dressed up like Hezbollah, from firing Missiles into Israel.


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