Russian sources: 28 Israeli planes fired 60 rockets on Iranian targets

Russian military sources report that 28 warplanes took part in the massive Israel air attack on Iranian targets in Syria early Thursday and released 60 missiles.

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21 thoughts on “Russian sources: 28 Israeli planes fired 60 rockets on Iranian targets

  • May 10, 2018 @ 13:23 at 13:23

    The lack of clamor from Israel’s enemies is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it is too early or Syria is now looked at as a military test ground. It remains to be seen how this plays out. Peace.

    • May 10, 2018 @ 13:34 at 13:34

      The Arab countries side with Israel against Iran. Russia is not an enemy of Israel unless Israel attacks Russian interests. Russia has no interest in Iran entrenching itself in Syria. Likewise, the EU wants Iran out of Syria. Probably even Assad wants them out by now, but is stuck with them. The Palestinians might like to see Israel attacked but they don’t want to alienate other Arabs by openly supporting Iran. So I don’t know which enemies you are referring to, other than Iran.

      • May 10, 2018 @ 14:22 at 14:22

        All great points…the Terrorstinians, like children, get jealous when Israel and the world concentrate on other terrorists like the Islamic State of Iran – the Terrorstinians no longer enjoy the full spotlight of a press which approves of terrorism against Israel and invents every excuse to ignore the truth, ignore reality, ignore the facts and to paint Israel as the bully aggressor.

      • May 10, 2018 @ 15:58 at 15:58

        russian is worth nothing . it cannot do anything . if it try to meddle with that it will be punished like iranians

        • May 10, 2018 @ 17:55 at 17:55

          Don’t be bulli, little boy

          • May 10, 2018 @ 20:37 at 20:37

            Silver Back Grigorilla pounding his chest.

        • May 11, 2018 @ 5:33 at 5:33

          Don’t talk nonsense. They may not have Americas might, but they are capable of projecting a bucket load of force far from their borders.
          One big advantage they have over america is a lack of free press or accountability constraining them on how they prosecute their foreign wars. No oversight.
          Leaving them with the ability to do exactly what they need to to accomplish the mission.
          If that means killing a bucket load of civilians as part of their war aims, who’s going to stand up to a nuclear power?
          Don’t be twisting this tigers tail.
          Israel went toe to toe with soviet forces from 68-72, and the Soviets made Israel accept a ceasfire which curtailed Israels abilities to interdict Egyptian forces. Read the Soviet Israeli war 1967-1973. Its a good read and shows you how stupid it is for a minor power to go up against a major power.
          Think losing the Eilat and Dakar within 4 months of one another was a coincidence?

      • May 10, 2018 @ 16:53 at 16:53

        Many are the enemies of Israel.

        Israel’s enemies are represented not only in the UN, but in religious sects, and all media types. They can be found in all races, nations, languages, and of all ages. For example, the “EU” may overall want Iran out of Syria, but would not hesitate to paint Israel an aggressor if it suited their purposes. Some may even smile and say nothing all the while waiting to pounce.

        Events are not always so simple to sum-up based on a topical observation. Peace.

    • May 10, 2018 @ 15:51 at 15:51

      I’m kinda glad to see, and hope it will remain confound to Syria. It would be like an MMA fight confound to octagon with some mutually understood rules.

  • May 10, 2018 @ 14:17 at 14:17

    Nobody actually knows anything. All speculation and largely imaginings. But if this is now a proper war I only hope that iran is smashed and sent packing.

  • May 10, 2018 @ 14:26 at 14:26

    TrollPatrol has the right idea, . . . and a constant barrage of missiles and rocket attacks, ending with a dose of napalm for good measure, . . . should get the point across.

    • May 10, 2018 @ 17:58 at 17:58

      Russian forces say more then fifty per cent downed and that Israelis fired also 10 terrain to terrain tactical rockets

  • May 10, 2018 @ 19:51 at 19:51

    The Sunni states and kingdoms are NOT Israel’s enemies right now. They need Israel’s intelligence (they have nothing close to a Mossad, Unit 8200, etc.) and nuclear umbrella. They mostly said nothing during the last war with Hamas, they are not backing the Palestinians now, and they want Iran gone as a potential threat. The nice surprise is Putin, who is staying out of Israel’s way. The big question is, Why? Perhaps Gazprom will pipe a little gas some day.

  • May 10, 2018 @ 21:54 at 21:54

    Russia, Iran, and Turkey will come after Israel. Damascus will become a ruinous heap. Israel will gain a lot.

  • May 10, 2018 @ 23:06 at 23:06


  • May 11, 2018 @ 0:06 at 0:06

    Anonymous @russian cannot do anything @… count it like one big houligan has’nt burned your car while other small ones had burned each others’ property

  • May 11, 2018 @ 2:11 at 2:11

    Iran is on its on in Syria, Putin and Assad said leave us out, if Hezbollah get froggy an jump they will lose.

  • May 11, 2018 @ 3:51 at 3:51

    Its early on in the Israeli – Iranian conflict. Its dawning on me that Russia is keenly observing the Israeli attacks and taking copious notes on how to deal with Israel when the time comes. Its a bit scary to think about this. The US is watching closely too. This is probably why the Russians have not turned on their search radars. IE to give Israel and US and opportunity to see how their defenses operate. Remembering that the S400 system is the system they are using to defend Russia itself. What a chess game is going on!!!

  • May 11, 2018 @ 5:26 at 5:26

    Israel just kicked Iran’s bass and Iran knows better than to try that again – unless their stupidity gets the better of them. Israel is fighting from it’s homeland with all resources available to them, Iran is a 1,000 miles from home with inferior jets, missiles, AA, and soldiers. Israel can dominate the skies and just wipe out the Iranians – or the Syrians, or the Russians for that matter. Russia has less than 10 actual “fighter jets” in Syria, with the rest being bombers and ground support jets; unsuitable to fly against against an Israeli F-15 or 35. Once you lose the skies, you’ve lost.

  • May 11, 2018 @ 9:04 at 9:04

    Apparently Israel attacked 100% Syrian Army features including a Pantsir System and and Radar Facility. 100% of the targets are Syrian. There are no Iranian facilities in Syria – just a few trainers for the fight against ISIS and Al Qaeda which was approved under the Obama regime anyway. The speculation is that Israel’s attack on so-called Iranian facilities in Syria of which there are NONE is a False Flag Operation. The Targets they fired at are all stuffed full of Liwa Al Quds – Palestinians which makes it 100% more understandable.

    So basically this publication which is named the Debka Weekly which is a Palestinian Traditional Dance is quoting Israel and Trump False Flag and every Palestinian who is fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria is not Palestinian, they are Iranian. No wonder there is so much on Social Media calling out Gulf Countries as Zionists. It seriously must be a Murikan Publication.

    • May 11, 2018 @ 12:55 at 12:55


      You seem to be claiming to definitively know that there are no Iranian sites in Syria. You also seem to be making a similarly definitive claim as to the numbers and make-up of the personnel in the various sites in Syria.

      I’m curious as to how you know this? How do you know who actually controls such sites?

      Very impressive that you have access to that level of intelligence data. . .


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