Russia’s Syrian air base wards off drone-missile attack

Air defense batteries intercepted an attack by explosive drones and missiles fired on Wednesday at the Russian Kheimim base near Latakia. There was no official word on the identity of the assailants. They were most likely Syrian rebel groups in control of regions northwest of Latakia.

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12 thoughts on “Russia’s Syrian air base wards off drone-missile attack

  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 11:07 at 11:07

    A very effective piece of hardware that!!
    What i would like to know if someone can tell me…how would u bomb a S300, “S700…” unit…certainly not with a fighter jet?? Because the unit is “multi layered protercted.. ie for low altitude cruise misilles too!!

    • Apr 26, 2018 @ 9:41 at 9:41

      With Swarm missiles. We’ve had those for decades. Twenty come at you, but those twenty generate phantoms of themselves so your radar sees 40 missiles. Which twenty will you shoot at? And the others will take you out, guaranteed. And then the next B1 drops twenty more. You get it now?

  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 11:20 at 11:20

    Night time commando raid.

    • Apr 25, 2018 @ 20:09 at 20:09

      No need of big sophistication here, sent a trailer-tank with vodka somewhere upwind and pour it on the ground. The vapors will rise and travel with the wind. Wait a little for the Russian senses to detect the smell, all operators will go downwind like zombies after it. Then you go and pick up the whole rocket battery.

      But, a good compassionate commander will leave a second trailer-tank with vodka like 50-60 km downwind, for the poor Yvan with a very sore and dry throat by now.

      • Apr 25, 2018 @ 22:49 at 22:49

        Trying to sound funny and optimistic, eh? Why don’t you try the method and see if it really works? What’s the matter, need to lift up your fallen spirits with bad jokes – that’s all you got? Gather some courage and attack the base directly, with your superior firepower and technology and stop whining like a pussy.

        • Apr 26, 2018 @ 7:33 at 7:33

          To attack only for the purpose of proving it really works, why to support the kamikaze Russian in Kheimim in their suicide? This would be like a repetition of the fight way back in time when 100 Spanish soldiers put and end to the Inca Empire, only for the fun of shooting with muskets against people with sticks.

          But, at a second look, and also taking in consideration your opinion, I would change from only 1 tank of vodka to 1 tank of samogon plus 1 tank of vodka, to be on the safe side.

  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 11:38 at 11:38

    Yep good strategy, unless the S300 unit gaurds have night vision…

  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 12:42 at 12:42

    For situations just like that, we have stickers with a military strategic prayer for each Iranian warrior, to glue it on the trigger-finger just before the attack, and this is why they will surely grab the triumphant victory, provided this is also the will of Allah.

    For wounded or otherwise no-trigger-finger personnel, like officers and generals, no problem, there are available suppositories with double prayer concentration, just in case small leakage happens in the high of the fights.

  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 16:17 at 16:17


  • Apr 25, 2018 @ 19:24 at 19:24

    The answer to the questions is ballon. Slow and virtually invisible. You would need to know the air currents and let it drift until it reaches the desired target, then drop the explosives. The real value is the confusion which would then enable the real attack from more traditional weapons.

  • Apr 26, 2018 @ 7:46 at 7:46

    Underground torpedos shoot from a stealthy underground submarine, and they will never know what has hit them.

  • Apr 26, 2018 @ 15:57 at 15:57

    The Russians have developed systems similar to ones in use by other major powers. These systems work well against low tech enemies, but almost always fail against better armed and equipped forces. One must remember though, that as recent as 1967 Russian anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles were able to deal a heavy blow to Israeli air assets due to their unexpected effectiveness. A technological breakout can occur at any time, even to less developed nations such as Russia. One needs to always be aware and have alternate plans in case of such an event.


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