Saud king’s personal guard shot dead by an acquaintance
Gen. Abdelaziz Al Fagham, known as King Salman’s “guardian angel,” was shot dead during a visit to a friend in Jeddah on Saturday night over what was officially described without details as a “personal dispute.” The assassin Mamdouh Al Ali injured two others and was late killed himself along with five security guards in a shootout when he resisted arrest.
a coup coming?
Middle East Blood Feuds are common in Societies with a Weak Rule of Law or where the Nation does not consider itself responsible for mediating this kind of dispute! Whereby Family & Kinship ties are the main source of authority. An Entire Family is considered responsible for the Actions of Any Family Members.
Uhh oh, . . . this don’t look good………..
I do not like what I am seeing is SA, dots are connecting and someone needs to clean this mess up quickly, quietly,
GAME OF THRON in Saudi Arabia
The Crown Prince mohammed bin Salamn killed him, MBs wants own people becoming King Body guard
in few days or months the jing salman will get a deadly incident, Hearth attack or similar
The friends and allies of jews in Arab World are murder
The policy of not letting many normal people into the Saud , but letting American anomalies only in , results in final days coming to kingdom of Saud. Its interesting why Jordanian Hashemite brother , would not claim the throne Brits took away from him . Maybe it is his moment now , to do whatever is his anyway, and than just give the Palestinians the Jordan , which will become their country , this way leaving Israel alone .
The Blood Feud That Drives the Middle East Saudi Arabia and Iran’s struggle for power is tearing apart the Arab world, even as diplomats frantically try to negotiate a truce.
Maybe time to get out of Mecca area real estate?
Houthi rebels in Yemen have released footage in which they say there is a major attack on Saudi forces near the border between the two countries. Yemen: Video of Houthi rebels showing destroy the Saudi Arab convoy
Yemen: Video of Houthi rebels showing destroy the Saudi Arab convoy
They’re all inbred psychopaths. Let them kill each other off. Who cares.