Saudi Crown Prince: The Jewish people have a right to “their own land”

Saudi Crown Prince Muhamed Bin Salman said he recognized he right of the Jewish people to have a nation-state of their own next to a Palestinian state; a right no Arab leader has ever acknowledged. In a wide-ranging interview with Jeffrey Goldberg for The Atlantic, the prince said: “I believe the Iranian supreme leader makes Hitler look good. Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader is trying to do. Hitler tried to conquer Europe. … The supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.” MbS divided the Middle East into two warring camps: the “triangle of evil,” consisting of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sunni terror groups; and an alliance of self-described moderate states that includes Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Oman.

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28 thoughts on “Saudi Crown Prince: The Jewish people have a right to “their own land”

  • Apr 2, 2018 @ 23:49 at 23:49

    Finally some progress after 70 years of false history and rejectionism. Now he must admit that Jordan is the state created for Arab-Palestinians and peace may finally be on the horizon.

    • Apr 3, 2018 @ 22:59 at 22:59

      Too easy, but now you have “good” friend!

    • Apr 4, 2018 @ 17:21 at 17:21

      From your lips..
      We can’t imagine the mind of the G-d of Israel the master and creator of the universe.
      He did leave some remarkable clues however, the Book that so few read much less remember.

  • Apr 2, 2018 @ 23:51 at 23:51

    Great news, a reasoned response with what seems to be a new ally to Israel that stems from a need for
    Mutual defense and the Prince will be greatly rewarded from the higher power, the master of the universe for Blessing Israel.

  • Apr 2, 2018 @ 23:52 at 23:52

    The prince made 2 small errors, here I’m providing the version with corrections …. “have THE right to ALL their own land, this including the land lost in the aggression wars launched against them”. But, I appreciate he did not said “have some right” or alike.

  • Apr 2, 2018 @ 23:52 at 23:52

    Not near enough progress.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 0:24 at 0:24

    Lets hear the same from Hamas and Fatah, alongisde some efforts at peaceful resolution.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 0:50 at 0:50

    Now he has to say it in Arabic to the people of Saudi Arabia, open Embassies in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    Actions are more reliable than words.

    • Apr 3, 2018 @ 8:09 at 8:09

      Sometimes truth get twisted in this life. Blurred. Manipulated. Lines get crossed. Things once seen as black and white, may start to appear more gray. It may seem harder to recognize what’s true or what’s false. What’s light and what’s dark. “Recognize a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.”
      Yes Mohammed had a Jew as wife 1400 years ago. How many Jews live in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait or Jordan NOW? There are over 30,000 Jews living in Iran.
      AS you said… Let’s have an Israeli Embassy in Saudi Arabia First. I like your comment. Thank you

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 1:37 at 1:37

    Perhaps he read that hos forefathers where jews…

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 2:10 at 2:10

    Oh well, that is conclusive then. if such a rich man says so.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 3:41 at 3:41

    But not to anyone else’s. For example, Samaria, the house of Israel.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 10:15 at 10:15

    its not real [a arab reconising the jewish state] its a plot against iran

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 11:39 at 11:39

    Would Salman have said this if Iran wasn’t a problem to him though.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 14:34 at 14:34

    he never said israel is were the jews could have there land pay attention to his every word

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 15:02 at 15:02

    Finally, . . . in the savage darkness of hate, contempt, and distrust, . . . someone lights a candle. It is beautiful to finally see a light after all these years of darkness.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 15:04 at 15:04

    Iran’s government must be overthrown. They are a danger to the entire world. Iran’s leaders must be killednow

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 18:17 at 18:17

    The problem with the princes statement is that 95% of the Jewish people in Israel have no blood ties to Israel.

    Arthur Koestler book “The Thirteenth Tribe” shows this clearly do DNA tests. I find it sad that we continue to kill the true semitic people who are the Palestinians.

    DNA testing shows that Ashkenazi Jews originated about 2000km to the North in the area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. This was the kingdom of Khazaria which is where the largest conversion to Judaism took place in the 8’th century.

    Its time that we stopped hiding this and started acting with integratory lest history judge us as a people who stole another peoples land and created the largest open air concentration camps in history.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 19:32 at 19:32

    Your statements Shilo show your half understanding.

    Firstly, even if there are Jews who converted from the Khazaria, does that mean converts are not accepted? In that case, every muslim today was forced to convert at some point in their history going back to the 8th century, by your statement none of them are actually muslims hence have no right to Mecca or Medina?

    Secondly, when the Jewish nation was formed back in Egypt all those thousand of years ago, there were many nations that bonded to become the single Hebrew people. This was done under the auspices of G_d, who watched there every step through the desert Exodus.

    So how can you, a mere mortal wherever you are, now proclaim to know more and have the authority to make such statements. Life will remember your words today, and will act accordingly towards you, so when things start falling apart in your mind and life, you will then remember this day and the words that lead you astray.

    The time to wake up is now…..

    • Apr 3, 2018 @ 23:13 at 23:13

      The point was not was to imply that the Ashkenazi have no accepted the Jewish faith. Rather the point is that they have are not a semitic people and hence have no blood / nor ancestral relationship with the Ancient Land of Israel.

      As i pointed out DNA studies show this applies to roughly 95% of the Jewish people in Israel.

      Your argument is neither moral nor supported by the Tora. The state of Israel should not exist until the Messiah comes. Once the Messiah comes the Jews will be gathered out of the countries where they have been scattered(Ezekiel 20:34). Unless i missed something the Messiah has not arrived yet. When the Messiah does arrive then it would be he that gathers up the people.

      So quoting your own words “So how can you, a mere mortal wherever you are, now proclaim to know more and have the authority to make such statements”.

      How moral would it be for a Christan country to have taken over the land of Palestine and argue that it was theirs as this is where their Messiah was born? Or my using your example of Islam for Indonesia or Iran to move in to Saudi Arabia and take the land based on an argument of religion?

      At this time the State of Israel is not a Jewish state, it is a Zionist state. You need to wake up and consider what Rabbi Aron Jacobowitz and others have been saying since the creation of Zionism in the 19’th century.

      No one is against the Jewish people choosing to live together, but according moral law and the Tora what is taking place is very unfortunate.

      The actions of the State of Israel negatively effects Jews worldwide due to the it misrepresenting its self as the representative of all Jews worldwide.

      Visit and educate yourself.

      My aim to get into a argument with you, so lets leave it at this.

  • Apr 4, 2018 @ 5:06 at 5:06

    Dear Shilo
    ” Unless i missed something the Messiah has not arrived yet.”
    You certainly have missed something my poor friend.
    Your Messiah, my Saviour, came 2000 years ago.
    Just because you don’t want Him or recognise Him or believe in Him doesn’t mean that He is not in fact the Messiah you are still waiting for.

    • Apr 5, 2018 @ 4:25 at 4:25

      Well said Anonymous – And their Messiah (your’s and mine) is in fact about to Return for the Day of Judgement – Look up ‘Get Ready’: And they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son – Zechariah 12 v 10b
      (Israel will then realise their greatest mistake) Revelation 1 v 7:
      “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all
      kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”

  • Apr 5, 2018 @ 14:36 at 14:36

    A hilaroiusly funny statement from mbs. The patron state of international terrorism affiching itself as the good one.
    I appreciate why Debka had no comment on this one.

  • Apr 6, 2018 @ 20:01 at 20:01

    I am from Ashkenazi family and we know that we came from tribe LEVI also the Dna test showed the connection to the middle east so your statement that all Ashkenazi Jews are from Kuzari is completely wrong and this Myth largely perpetrated by our enemies that want to deny Jews its ancestral land.


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