Saudi Twitter image of Air Canada flight heading for Toronto tower raises storm
The Saudi-Canadian dispute took an offensive turn Monday when a Saudi Twitter account ran an image of an Air Canada flight heading for Toronto’s tallest tower with the heading: “Sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong” and the Arabic proverb, ”He who interferes with what doesn’t concern him finds what doesn’t please him.” The image was quickly deleted, but not before raising a storm by recalling the 9/11 Al Qaeda atrocity. Saudi Arabia has already hit back hard for Canada’s condemnation of detentions of women’s rights activists, dubbing it “unacceptable interference.” After expelling the Canadian ambassador and freezing business ties, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MbS) this week sent commercial flights to evacuate 16,500 Saudi students on government-funded scholarships at Canadian universities with their families and relocate them in other countries. On Tuesday, he sent more commercial planes to lift out Saudis receiving treatment in Canadian hospitals. The Twitter post was subsequently re-posted with the same message after the offending aircraft image was removed.
The Saudis exercising their islamic right to plan 9/11 attacks again?
In a post-oil era, a country like shit Salman has, even with exceeding lot of money acquired from before, has to invent something, anything. Saudis will draw money from religion in principal, their bet is Christianity is on the way of extinction, and with the proper investment Islam could take over the whole world. Where from their interest to get rid of Jerusalem and “concentrate” all Islam holy places in their hands, and also eliminate the Shia concurrence.
Today they need to show off more than ever before a hard Islamic line, because of the obvious alliance with American and Israeli interests, which is in contrast and opposed with what the regular Muslim on the street thinks – he was told since decades to burn American and Israeli flags and to jump up and down for hours chanting hate slogans.
Shit Salman is a prick, but is not a hating prick, it is all about business.
very good
Who exactly are Canadians ? Bunch of British rejects and criminals send to kill Indians . So to be a Canadian means nothing , as it meansd in real terms today to be degenerate freak .
very astute observation. some made up bullsh!t nationality that exists only to apologise for Zionist colonisation while they colonise our minds with their degenerate media to set up a world palestine tyranny with only one super nationality, that of the idolators . a sort of world Babylon. Babylon the great.
I think something is not going very well in Saoedi-Arabië.
Canada will benefit from removal of 12k students because all that money went into university BDS movement and hateful anti-Israelism. It also went to support leftist and Islamic politicians who pretend to be for human rights but, in fact, support Islamic fascism and implement “Islamophobia” motions to keep Canadians silent. Trudeau basically calls his own people “Islamophobes” and racists.
There is a lot of push back against the baby steps in Saudi towards easing up on its citizens and we will see if this means a return to more barbaric actions than the last 2 years.
If I were the Csnadian government I would end all immigration that does not benefit the vountry and beware of the ideologies you import to change the fsbric of your once great country.
and the carefully constructed policy which apologises for the colonial genocide and environmental destruction of the Zionist colonial edifice??
Some genocide, Mr. J,!! The people claiming to be victims are growing in number, inflicting genocide on their own people, targeting neighbors in antisemitic terror campaigns, are being hired by ISIS, Hezbollah and others as mercenaries to kill other Muslims, receive billions in UN-EU and world aid, etc. Sounds to me like we should all claim to be victims of “genocide.”
but the colonial edifice has created victims of us all. as races and as actual ethnic nationals and as dissociated condom nationals or as I term them flag stamp and banknote neo-colonial territorial state entities. The pals are merely the latest victims with the freshest wounds. in this sense we are all palestinians.
Your silly sophomoric retarded jargon (“colonial edifice, victims, ethnic nationals, neo-colonial state entities”) indicates that you are a leftist nutbar.
Saudi is right libertard Canada should deal with it’s own problems.The libertards created most of the problems that the world faces today.Obama with Syria ,Iran etc. The Canadian libertards have no business lecturing others how to fail and create problems to others.
SamP: Yes, leftists like Trudeau waste a lot of words signalling their virtue when their actions speak to motives that allow the kind of Islam into their own countries that will one day make it impossible for freedom and democracy.
Your argument falls short, however, if you think that people should stop criticizing barbaric 7th century conquest and inhuman actions. You have a big mouth on this site and so apply your own advice to yourself and shut your mouth…no, I don’t mean it…I support your right to free speech and ask that you to respect other people’s right to free speech too.
The camel must have kicked you when you tried to suck it. That is way your brain seems to malfunction.Stop talking nonesense,try to suck a goat.
Let Yahweh’s kingdom come, his will be done, on earth; as it is in heaven. Canada vs Arabia. What a dogfight.
As much as I am ashamed of my Canadian government their is no way we should taking s@*t from a terrorist supporting country like Saudi Arabia, But who am I kidding our weak liberal prime minister will probably issue an apology soon and get down on his knees and kiss the hand of a dirty creepy arab soon!
Saudi: One step forward, ten steps back to the stone age.
Tom Clancy gave Islam primer for 911DAY in book DEBT OF HONOR.
How many Muslims on flight decks Passenger/Cargo heavies? Just Curious…
There are two (2) Abrahamic Religions. A third belief, a religious counterfeit, poses dire threat to Civilization.
Brilliant move on Canada’s part – only western nation to get the mud slimes to leave voluntarily AND pay for their own airfare. If only Western European nations were that smart.
Less students from the middle East counties are studying in Western Universities, better it’s for civilization.
As for Mr Trudeau he is probably crying right now because he’s loosing reputation of the defender of the oppressed Muslims in the muslim world while he is really defending rights of the oppressed women (funny, isn’t it?)