Saudis cancel funding for 12,000 students in Canada
The Saudi-Canadian dispute over Riyadh’s detention of women’s rights activists escalates. Saudi Arabia announced suspension of government-funded scholarships for Saudi students and their families in Canada and it is transferring them to other countries, including the United States. Riyadh earlier expelled the Canadian ambassador and cancelled new trade deals after Ottawa criticized the detentions.
Saudis know how to deal with a libertards that attack their values. Anybody taking a picture with Ms Clinton and Ms.Obama and showing it in public deserves to be jailed in any country
So your saying terrorism supporting Saudi Arabia has values? please show me!
Thanks for the ignorant comment Abdul. Now go and collect your Camel from Salman.
The Saudis are a despicable regime as are all countries based on Islam. Canada is like a European country in its insane openess and complete willingness to blind itself to reality. Canda is so sheltered that its fairy leaders have never taken the time to read up on what happens when you open the doors wide to Islamism or totalitarianism or communism. To the leaders of Canada, steeped in their moral equivalency, everyone and every belief system is the same and poses no harm to the freedoms others in the past have won in hard fought battles against the ideologies and beliefs that Trudeau venerates and invites without scrutiny through the front door and with lots of money and support.
Congratulations ; Finally someone had enough with Canadian Sodom and Gomorrah. Trudeau with its Canadian feiget government, fully supported by Debka feiget Israeli homos think , that they could moral the world . Its so fashionable to have sodomy everywhere you go in Israel and Canada , that it would proper to build for homos harems to play with Palestinian balloons and kites .Trudeau is a son of Bedouin Sinai ars, is full fledged perverted freak , just like Debka editorial is all feigets. Good . Now Canada should be thrown out from Indonesia, India, Burma, Malay , and all the Far east and Middle East , with exception of Israel . In Israel all the feigets will get political , and soon show the government their ass.
solomeo: It sounds like you support Islamic fascism and respect their brutality and inhumanity and admire their strict repression and subjugation of their citizens. I do not. It is that religious ideology I want kept out of free countries like Canada; not venerate and support them as you seem to be doing. You admire Islamic-fascism because they target the same people you hate. Very weird, solomeo, very weird!
Wow! Only closet cases are so obsessed.
Yea you got that right Canada is like a European country its a predominantly Atheist country. Living in Canada is basically living in hell, it has no values. Permits Homosexuality, pedophilia basically anything what is Anti God . Its a disgrace for a country its just like Sodom and Gomorrah. If your in the flesh you will think these anti discriminatory laws are great if your spiritual then you know they are not of God.
DO NOT SPEAK OF WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW! This is my country and I do believe that God has given each man the right to choose! I may not agree with your choice but I will not fear you and hate you for that choice. But you threaten what is mine and see what happens! Read history and learn…release your fear to accept what you do not understand….that is why God is great…he created diversity embraces it! Let go of your fear….it seems like hate!
If the Saudis were really interested at slapping back at Canada, they would develop and finance their own world-class university system, so that they could educate their own populace, and not subsidize the university systems in other Western countries. Alas, that would take hard work, creativity, and a well-developed scholarly base, and the Saudi’s have generally preferred to subcontract out anything that requires hard work and creativity. This move primarily harms their own youth, which is just how this monarchy usually rolls.
Scholarship, science, inquiry and learning (that does not involve just Islam 24/7) goes against the tenets of Islam. An “Islamic University” is an oxymoron and an impossibility.
Having said that, Western universities are now becoming so based on the ideology of Leftism that they too are becoming places where true learning (as opposed to indoctrination) is impossible.
I would recommend parents send their children to learn a trade or a profession and to stay away from universities which have as their main purpose the brainwashing of students.
As much as I am ashamed of my Canadian government, I this case however who cares about Saudi Arabia? why are we importing there oil and then they use the funds to support terrorism which is what they do what and to come over here to top up their harems? I could not care less if every one of them left Canada if they were that smart then they would their own university’s Good riddance!
Yes, the Saudis lobbied leftist governments in Canada and the USA to not take the oil and gas from their own resources with the goal to maintain the Islamic ME stranglehold on world energy. Ironically, they worked hand-in-hand with climate crazies and certain anti-oil groups to make energy a bad word – all energy except for Saudi and ME oil was targeted in their propaganda and left-wing Saudi-financed anti-western activities. As if the Saudis or anyone in Islamic countries care about the environment – just look at the garbage they have made of their environments!!!
Where ever there is money and democracy (like western countries), you can see immigration of
Muslims. And where ever there is NOT money and democracy (like Russia and China) , you do not see immigration of Muslims.
There is an old book that has recorded the conversation between the Persian and Arabs troops in 651 AD that Persian commander asks “what are you doing here” and Muslim Arab commander says we are here for water and food. We even do not have enough water to drink but you (Iran) have a lot.
You can see the page in this clip below:
Islam uses immigration as a form of conquest and domination. They ruin their own countries, people and environment but covet the land of others to provide for them after they have ruined, impoverished, raped, propagandized, destroyed, burnt down and bloodied their own land and people.
Is Druze legitimate citizens of Israel!!?
Sounds like a win-win proposition.
Hmmm…I don’t recall Trudeau tweeting anything about the women in Iran who were thrown into jail recently for taking off their veils. Could this be a selective move to put Canada closer to Iranian foreign policy against the moves by the USA to boycott Iran and rescind the nuclear deal? Trudeau is just a fool being controlled by others and they are now scheming new strategies for the election in 2019. If Trudeau cared about Islamic hate and misogyny, then he would not being generally calling all Canadians Islamophobes and placing motions on them like M-103 to keep them from pointing out certain inconvenient truths about “the religion of peace.”
Canada is a better place without them. Saudi should insist on all its offspring returning. In fact call them all back from all Western countries. The followers of Islam are bad news in any civilized country.
Great news. Here’s hoping all the other stone age Muslim dictatorships pull all their students from Canada, Canadians universities can do better than accept their financial pressure and corrupt influence. Canadians don’t need their funding for anti-western revisionist Chairs of study at Canadian universities, they don’t need antisemitic MSA activists making it dangerous for Jewish students to take classes, they don’t need their poisonous Wahhabi mosques and day schools in Canadian cities.