Saudis condemn US Senate “interference in internal affairs”

Saudi Arabia Monday denounced the US Senate motions to end US military aid for Saudi coalition in the Yemen war and to blame the crown prince for the Khashoggi murder. The Saudi Foreign Ministry condemned the Senate for its “interference in the kingdom’s internal affairs” on the basis of “untrue allegations.” Some of President Trump’s fellow Republicans defied him to pass by 56-41 with Democrats the non-binding measure to pull US military support from Yemen on Thursday. The resolution to blame Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul was carried unanimously.



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3 thoughts on “Saudis condemn US Senate “interference in internal affairs”

  • Dec 17, 2018 @ 10:53 at 10:53

    Iran is the winner if we pull our support from the Sunni coalition against the illegal take over by proxy Shiites of Yemen.

    We should find another way to punish the Saudis for that blatant murder but giving Iran another proxy state is not the way to do it.

  • Dec 18, 2018 @ 7:47 at 7:47

    The kashoggi affair is a Saudi internal matter. why does the US Senate interfere with them? in that case they should also start interfering with Iran, Lebanon, Syria, half of Africa, etc…. and the rest of the world…. but fist they need to stop lying to the US public about their own affairs at home….

  • Dec 18, 2018 @ 11:21 at 11:21

    People are plan stupid.They should mind there own business. Lose the Saudi’s and you will have another Iran.


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