Saudis will respond to attack based in international probe

Saudi Arabia says Iranian weapons were used in the “unprecedented act of aggression and sabotage” on its oil facilities, and “invites the UN and international experts to view the situation and take part in its investigations.” A Saudi Foreign Ministry statement affirmed that “the kingdom will take the appropriate measures to defend its land and people and forcefully respond to these aggressions based on the results of these investigations.

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16 thoughts on “Saudis will respond to attack based in international probe

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 11:28 at 11:28

    This seems like an invitation for the international community to take its time performing the investigation and forever delay any response to this incident and opening the way to “more negotiations” with the guilty party.

    • Sep 17, 2019 @ 12:57 at 12:57

      Of course. Both nations are mooslime.

      • Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:02 at 4:02

        Yeah you can thank Obama for Iranian drone technology. I don’t know if you remember a few years ago he was still in office. Are most stealthy drone landed in one piece on the Iranian side. And they are designed to self destruct Hench they fall into enemy hands, this one didn’t imagine that. So the Iranians grabbed it and reverse-engineered it few years later guess what you have Iranian drones.

        • Sep 18, 2019 @ 8:07 at 8:07

          Not ARE, OUR..ya moron.

        • Sep 18, 2019 @ 14:30 at 14:30

          @Jonny…Ehm, our techies failed in the software and the Iranians exploited a weakness and landed it in one piece so as much as I hate to admit it, it wasn’t “Obama”. Go search for a software test fail instead.

    • Sep 17, 2019 @ 13:53 at 13:53

      How many Saudi weapons were used in Syria Irak and Libyan people ?

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 13:19 at 13:19

    Lol. “MSB” is waiting for another wave of drones / cruise missiles !!!

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 14:19 at 14:19

    Talking tough from the king from a weak crew begining to wonder with donald

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 15:52 at 15:52

    With 800,000 Yemenis working in Saudi Arabia, the most likely explanation is that the attack was carried out from inside Saudi. Everyone here has seen the videos on Presstv and elsewhere of Yemenis using simple drones to hit relatively close targets. We all know they are perfectly capable of doing that and that their drone technology is adequate for that type of attack. It’s unnecessary for the drones to accurately fly a thousand miles from Yemen. They can do 980 miles of that journey in pieces in suitcases on a bus or a taxi and fly the last little bit.

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 18:54 at 18:54

    Oil field against oil field…! No way there will be a “forceful” response by the Saudis against Iran.

  • Sep 17, 2019 @ 21:43 at 21:43

    It would be wonderful if Saudi and Iran would go to war. That would remove the two main powers in the region for us.

    All going well we could keep the war going almost indefinitely

    • Sep 17, 2019 @ 21:53 at 21:53

      That’s a interesting idea and would mean that oil prices would rise to crazy levels.

      Though if America was selling arms and stayed out of it our oil exports would be worth a whole lot more. The danger is that China or Russia would get involved and that could mean that our influence will suffer.

      Millions of civilians could die in a war like that though. Also if it went on long enough both countries would be ruins, there cities in rubble and both are likely to become failed states. Which would be a horrible thing to see happen.

      • Sep 17, 2019 @ 22:57 at 22:57

        Yeah he’s a psychopath — who else wishes for a war to go on forever?

  • Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:01 at 4:01

    Yeah you can thank Obama for Iranian drone technology. I don’t know if you remember a few years ago he was still in office. Are most stealthy drone landed in one piece on the Iranian side. And they are designed to self destruct Hench they fall into enemy hands, this one didn’t imagine that. So the Iranians grabbed it and reverse-engineered it few years later guess what you have Iranian drones.

  • Sep 18, 2019 @ 11:11 at 11:11

    saoudis are coward !!


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