Security cabinet to air options on Iran after new president

Security officials responded to the election of Judge Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s “most extremist president to date,” by saying that plans for a potential attack on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities are being revived and put before the new Bennett-Lapid government’s first security cabinet meeting on Sunday afternoon. Defense Minister Benny Gantz, while noting that the US and Israel had intensified their watch on Iran’s nuclear program, warned for the first time that “all options are on the table” regarding a military strike to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.
Gantz will propose extending by one year Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi’s term as chief of staff. In Washington, Gen. Kochavi is launching six days of talks with top US officials on “the Iranian nuclear threat, Iran’s efforts to entrench itself militarily in the Middle East, Hizballah’s rearmament efforts and the threat of precision-guided missiles.”

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