Sen. Graham calls for “overwhelming response” for Iranian attacks
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wrote on Twitter, Monday, “Just received a briefing from National Security Advisor Bolton about escalating tensions with Iran. It is clear that over the last several weeks Iran has attacked pipelines and ships of other nations and created threat streams against American interests in Iraq.” Graham concluded, “If the Iranian threats against American personnel and interests are activated. we must deliver an overwhelming military response.”
Netanyahu’s ventriloquist’s dummy in the US wants war for Israel, again?
Graham’s quote probably earned him a cool million or 2 from Adelson for his next Senate race.
Any war on Iran and it is Netanyahu and the Israel Lobby to blame – same as the Iraq War. Netanyahu is INDICTED and needs to be forced from office before he continues these Israeli false flags and gives us WWIII/War on Iran in order to save the collapsing Apartheid
Sen. Graham might be wrong, we better ask for a second opinion from our BDS representatives in The United States House of Representatives, mainly representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and representative Rashida Tlaib.
abd senatörü graham bir siyonist köpektir insanlıktan nasibi olmayan bir alçaktır senatör graham
The US has put Iranian Leaders on notice.
Third World SHlThole Iran is about to learn not to mess with the American Eagle.
The Persian, Kurdish peoples are about to taste Freedom once again, FREEDOM from Fascist Ayatoolahs and their flying monkey IRGC.
The arrogant American Eagle will one day fall to the earth like a stone.
abd rusya avrupa ülkelerinin tamamı nato dünya için tehlike oluşturan işgal yapan siyonist ve evanjelist yahudi lobilerine hizmet eden dünyayı sömüren afrikayı açlıkta yoksullukta bırakan aşapılık alçaklardır bu ülkeler bütün dünyayı sömürürler ondan sonrada biz dünyanın süper gücüyüz derler başkalarının omzunda sırtından dünyaya kabadayılık yapar bu alçaklar
Graham, I wish you would have shown the same moxie and resolve in dealing with the dopey, mentally challenged Democrats the last 20 years, rather than sacrifice the values of those who voted for you with silly Gang of 8 surrenders.
Having said that, once Irans paw prints are verified on attacks, decapitate their leadership in a fell swoop, because all terror leads back to Tehran
we give you vietnam
we give you NAKBA.
Trump plunges Google.
China ready with two platforms as replacement designed with Israeli cooperation.
China-Vietnam Conference in Havana.
Cippi Chotoweli persona non grata in Poland.
The WEASEL has spoken !
the weasel nation is the condemnation. only the condemnation is our only salvation.
… then he phucked his Page, and was happy.
Iran no longer has criminally corrupt Obama, Merkel and Kerry handing them billions.
No more business as usual and they are scared.