Senior Iranian officer warns US not to “endanger US troops’ lives”
Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid, a high-ranking Iranian military commander warned Washington on Sunday that “any irresponsible move could endanger the lives of American troops.” Addressing Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force commanders in Tehran, the general issued an explicit threat: “If a conflict breaks out in the region, no country would be able to manage its scope and timing. The US government should act responsibly to protect the lives of American troops by avoiding misconduct in the region”, he said.
Act “responsibly” … like Iran?
This kind of propaganda-spewing coming from the lips of big-cheeses of the biggest war-mongers on the planet is contemptible.
What He said!!
It’s time to beat the shiite out of khomenis dress wearing zombies and his dancing revolutionaryh gestapo.
Marg Bar Iran!
Reminds me of the palace builder who told the King he knew of a stone, the removal of which brings the whole edifice down. Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid, just invited a severe preemptive strike
Big talk. Would be interesting to see them obliterated.
Just like a big talk by the US, about totally destroying Iran… ? and then pulled back 10 min before obliteration. ? Persians did obliteration on saying any enemies getting close to Islamic republic will be destroyed.. and shot down 130 million dollar “stealthy” hardware; drone.
What kind of obliteration do you ask??
To illegal alien: Don’t come to or post on this website. Just don’t.
The general of high-ranking cacao is angry, most likely because his computer is lost and on fire.
Smells like ronin talk.
Scared at thinking might lose his land lord?
Rashid and Salami neither one have walked the lines of a free fire zone, . . . have no real concept of what “war” is about. But they have polished their boots, . . . kissed the necessary posteriors, . . . and dusted the dandruff from their uniforms before the parades.
It will be interesting when they have to go up against those who have (unfortunately) been in the battle. I doubt if they will last 5 minutes before running to the basement.
Let’s Pray for a war and destroying iran and israel together for ever
Still upset that your side LOST WW2?
Happy Nakba!
If there’s a war, your wish will be half granted…the half about which you lied – Iran. Only a hater would wish the fate of death on Israel, the only civilized democratic nation in the Middle East, while insincerely wishing it for the barbaric theocracy, which you in your heart of hearts wish would emerge triumphant.
No one would sincerely wish death equally to so diametrically opposed nations. Next time, be honest – not cowardly. Just come out and say you wish for the triumph of Iran and death of the State of Israel.
To Jacky: Let’s pray for the destruction of yourself and your family. Amen x 10
What happened to death to America? All of a sudden they want to protect Americans? I thought soldiers would be their first choice?