Serious covid cases spike again as new curbs take effect
A possible lockdown, though fiercely disputed, loomed over Israel’s coronavirus cabinet session as serious cases on Sunday shot past 348, including 71 in critical condition and 14 fatalities. The infection rate climbed to 3.83pc. Fresh “Green Pass” curbs, criticized as tardy, also went into effect. They include mandatory masks in public places in the open air as well as indoors, admittance to public venues subject to confirmation of vaccination, recovery from Covid and negative tests. This edict applies to all gatherings, as well as hotels, restaurants and gyms. Places of worship with fewer than 50 participants are exempted. Half of the staff in offices will work from home.
Officials continue to insist that schools will reopen on time on Sept 1 regardless and challenge the need for another lockdown, which would be recommended for the High Holidays starting six days later, when anyway most business are closed. Both options are nevertheless on the table of the next ministerial discussion.