Smiling Putin ends 1st summit with Kim, will brief the US

President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Kim Jong un spent two hours at their first summit, which took place Thursday in Vladivostok, discussing the situation on the Korean Peninsula and Pyongyang’s nuclear negotiations with Washington. It ended with Putin saying he was pleased with the outcome, adding: “Of course, I will speak tomorrow in Beijing with the leadership of the People’s Republic of China, but we will also openly and frankly discuss today’s meeting with the American leadership,” he said. “There are no secrets here, Russia’s position is always open, there are no conspiracies.” Putin said Kim himself requested that his position be relayed to the US side.


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8 thoughts on “Smiling Putin ends 1st summit with Kim, will brief the US

  • Apr 25, 2019 @ 17:21 at 17:21

    Why wouldn’t commies be happy to see comrades, especially when they’re getting more money from the West?

    • Apr 25, 2019 @ 21:12 at 21:12

      If you saw the video it did not look like the meeting was any good. Kim and Putin looked distant.

    • Apr 26, 2019 @ 13:42 at 13:42

      Yeah..but both these guys are dictators. They don’t answer to anyone really. No endless ‘collusion” scandals for these guys to worry about and distract. Line them all up against a wall and shoot. We wouldn’t even know what these two really get up to. I don’t think they’ll be getting anymore money from the US though. Kim has burned that bridge..and Putin, well who knows? He got 25% of US’s uranium at a very good price, didn’t he? No witch hunt for that…ha ha

  • Apr 25, 2019 @ 17:55 at 17:55

    Your money’s getting old.

  • Apr 26, 2019 @ 10:43 at 10:43

    Putin is looking better than Tump on this

    • Apr 26, 2019 @ 13:48 at 13:48

      No, he’s not. Its easier to come in after and look “great”. But Kim has miscalculated, probably thinks that Putin will give him cover. He might, but only as long as it suits him..ask the iranians..Kim, is trying to gain some psyche on Trump and that is not a smart thing to do as we’ve seen..just ask the democrats..these criminals have failed so the sound of bagpipes collapsing… We will see as they say…

      • Apr 26, 2019 @ 20:47 at 20:47

        Actually looks like Putin has approved more launches to pressure Trump to back of sanctions, same thing will apply to Iran. They may be bad guys, but they are not stupid or weak kneed. Sanctions will be gone, just a bad chess game by Trump and team. Putin already declared sanctions not the way to go, international law must prevail not edicts of the strong.

        • Apr 27, 2019 @ 14:23 at 14:23

          with the adepts of the religion of peace,there is no international law,only bombs


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