Specific terror threat to attack Entebbe airport, US embassy warns

The U.S. Embassy in Kampala, Uganda, warned Americans in the country on July 3 of a "specific threat of an attack on Entebbe International Airport by an unknown terrorist group" in the hours of 9 pm and 11 pm local time Thursday. Travelers were advised to “review their plans.”

The Somali Al-Shabab, linked to al Qaeda, set off a pair of bombs at the World Cup in 2012 leaving 74 dead. In 1976, Israel carried out a daring raid to rescue 103 hostages from a French airliner hijacked by the Palestinian Liberation Organization to Entebbe, Uganda. There,the hijackers separated the non-Jews from the Jews, released the former and held the rest hostage for the release of 53 terrorists in Israeli and other prisons.

Instead, Israel carried out an epic long-distance rescue operation, airlifting special forces 4,000km  to Entebbe. Three hostages died in the raid, as well as seven hijackers and one Israeli soldier, Binyamin Netanyahu’s brother Lt. Col Yonatan Netanyahu.


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