Syrian rebels in Daraa: Russia and Syria violating ceasefire deals
Syrian rebel leaders in the embattled Daraa province of southern Syria accuse the Russians and Syrian forces of violating ceasefire deals, under which they surrendered their heavy arms in return for deal that let Russian police forces alone enter their villages, but not Syrian troops. Instead, the two forces entered their villages together and places barring entry to Syrian forces have been placed under siege. According to some sources, Syrian and Hizballah troops have completed their takeover of Daraa City.
Trust the Ruskies….??? Big Big Mistake.
Like the Kurds and the Rebels trusted you? Or countless others that you goi’s threw under the bus.? Chickens. Home. Roost.
I agree with the other reply to your comment that the Kurds and the Syrian western backed terrorists could so the same thing?
How is this different from Palestinians crying to the UN?
I swear “on-my-bible” that everything is going to be OK in the Golan
God told me NOT TO WORRY.
Who’s side is he on…..anyway?????
Historic event