Ten US firemen volunteer to help Israel fight Palestinian balloon fires
US Ambassador David Friedman visited Sderot’s fire station Tuesday to thank 10 American firefighters who have come to help Israel battle the fires ignited by Palestinian incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip. The American firefighters have come from all over the United States through the Emergency Volunteers Project organization. The Ambassador said in greeting: “They demonstrated the amazing solidarity between the American people and the Israeli people. It’s an act of true friendship and true love and I think the people here know that if the United States would need help, the Israelis would come to the United States to help.”
Palestinian balloon-terror is expanding in scale. Soldiers have joined the fire brigade, environmental authorities and local council civilians in the fight to extinguish the blazes day by day. Local leaders are pleading to the government to put a stop to the spreading bane.
Instead of destroying the Gaza terrorists Benjamin Netanyahu is becoming a weak horse. President Assad of Syria and President Putin of Russia would have destroyed the Gaza with no mercy. There is no more deterrence from Israel they are laughing at Israel the terrorist. Yes bringing more fireman to put out the fires instead of destroying the cause of the fires you fool
You might not have all facts and info at hand, and as a consequence you have acquired an unrealistic view of the dangers and priorities for the country. I believe Bibi focuses on what’s good and important for Israel from a long term perspective. And he’s not alone, has a cabinet. And he’s to report to the Knesset. If all these aspects do not provide you enough trust that’s Ok, too bad.
Bibi, his cabinet, and the Knesset are under no obligation to look for your approval.
Hahaha….you fucking lazy miserable bunch of fucked up religious junkies….ISISrael can go and fuck themselves….go suck on s tail pipe you degenerates….
Shame on UN General Assembly! Silence is support for terror!
Thanks take your fake terror you whining fucking piece of shiiite and shove it up your fat hole….
You fuckers are beyond Help….Netanyahu needs to resign because his brains are about to be blown out…….half a million dollar tag on his fat head to be shot…may the best man win….
FuckISISrael fuck. Em good…
it’s great that these US Fire Fighters are coming to Israel to help…..If we cant stop these primitive balloons what hope then would we have when it comes to stopping Ballistic Missiles….Wake Up and Pull your fingers out…….
I wonder which cities the US firemen come from? I wonder if any US “progressive” (perhaps regressive) politicians have come out in support of these volunteers?