Tensely-awaited US Republican party’s classified memo released
The US House intelligence committee Friday declassified a GOP memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI in the Trump election campaign. The allegations included the use of foreign intelligence, namely British spy, Christopher Steele; the omission of relevant information in the application to the national security court for a surveillance warrant against Trump’s campaign staff; and “circular reporting.” This term refers to the FBI’s alleged leaks to certain media, which were then fed back into its dossier. Steele is also said to have made inappropriate contacts with the media. After he was fired, the British spy continued to feed the Justice Department official Ruth Ohr. He is quoted as informing her that he was “passionately against the then-candidate Donald Trump getting elected president.” The Democratic Party, which was in office at the time, is preparing a counter-memo alleging inaccuracies in the GOP document.
President Trump, who authorized the memo’s release to the public, commented: “A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. This is a disgrace!”
It will be awhile before the true depth of Obama’s treason is discovered. Clinton Inc. was supposed to be in place to cover it up … but their plan went horribly wrong.
Accountability and Transparency for all!
Well put.
Good comment.
“Velamalshinim al tehi tikvah, vechol harishah kerega toveid…”
For a looong time humanity has lived in a world of inverted reality. This has been predicated on – and perpetuated by – humanities’ pursuit of its own self-centered proclivities, in the service of which reality and truth have been distorted with the sole objective of achieving puerile short-term, pleasure oriented goals. At the same time, we have seen a rejection of any spiritual, long-term thinking, of embracing reality and it’s eternal truths. Let us daven that Hashem has initiated the process necessary for restoring the natural, reality based order which He originally intended; and for that to happen evil must be exposed for what it truly is, evildoers receive their just desserts, and those who embrace Truth lifted up with great adulation.
“Ve’sain sachar Tov lechol habotchim beShimchah be’Emes!”
Good Shabbos!
Cant wait to see the democrats “response” – It had better be good…I doubt it…they have told so many lies…lies beget lies…we can only thank Trump is at least trying to deal with these criminal globalists. They are still “in power” on many levels.