Terrorist in Edmonton, Canada rams police car before stabbing officer

Canadian police are treating as acts of terror a multiple attack Sunday by a man, who rammed a police car in Edmonton before stabbing an officer several times. Police chief Rod Knecht confirmed there was an Islamic State flag on the car. He then fled the scene, using a truck in which he ran down pedestrians. Four were injured.

The suspect was caught after a high-speed chase during which the truck overturned.  Police pulled him out and handcuffed him. They believe the attacker acted alone but did not rule out the involvement of others.

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3 thoughts on “Terrorist in Edmonton, Canada rams police car before stabbing officer

  • Oct 1, 2017 @ 18:04 at 18:04

    IMO Justin Trudeau is responsible for this…he all but passes laws that make it illegal to criticize Islime or any of it’s practices: you get called a “phoebe” of some type. How about only importing people who want to live in a Constitutional Monarch; and not importing anyone who wants to replace the Canadian Constitutional Monarch with the system most pervasive in middle east.

    • Oct 1, 2017 @ 18:32 at 18:32

      Xenophobia talk from a Canadian?
      Shame on you.
      Let the investigation begin before you jump to conclusions.
      Go to America and join their neo nazis.
      Or, go to Russia.
      There is no room in Canada for racist, ignorant goons like you.

  • Oct 1, 2017 @ 19:35 at 19:35

    Muslim population is steadily increasing here in Deadmonton. I thought they would not cause trouble. I hope the police will do the needful.


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