The AG gives PM Netanyahu a Friday deadline

Attorney General Amihai Mendelblit has given Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu up until next Friday to collect the documents of the three corruption cases against him. He warned them that the date for the hearing set for the prime minister’s defense will not be extended beyond  July 10 as scheduled.


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2 thoughts on “The AG gives PM Netanyahu a Friday deadline

  • Apr 29, 2019 @ 8:39 at 8:39

    The idiot AG. Net is the only one who can govern Israel.

  • Apr 29, 2019 @ 10:49 at 10:49

    Just declare war against Iran and there are suddenly more important things to do so the court will be silent.
    There are some countries in the EU whe it is perfectly legal to bribe politicans otherwhise Bruessels would not be filled with lobby organizations. So whats the big deal with bibi? First comes national security and if he made dome small money on the side so what? It is important to run the country the best possible way and if he took some money he can give the gain to charity for poor israeli families. He shouuld see a rabinic bet din and give a good amount of zedaka a sum that really hurts but not crushes him. A big truma.
    Bribery in EU.
    Where does all the support for Fakestinian schools come from? EU and good old Germany who uses the EU as proxy to undermine Israels national interests to support the Fakestinians in destroying Israel on the long run by procreating like rabbits.
    But who finances the whole islamic game of Mudslimes infesting EU? You may have heared about syrian refugees in the EU? How many of them are embedded terrorists waiting to strike?
    Notre Dame could be a terorist strike. Maybe there more soon.
    Maybe EU politics are politics of appeasement as they know that they lost against the mudslimes already?
    Who drives it? Who finances it and directs the flow of people?

    So go for war and hit the ayatollahs and destroy the nuclear facilities.


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