The Halle synagogue shooter identified as Stefan Balliet
Stefan Balliot, 27, calling himself “Anon” and a Holocaust denier, said the root of the world’s problems, including feminism is “the Jew,” before he tried to shoot his way into the Halle Synagogue on Yom Kippur. He killed two people outside the synagogue and injured two. Clad in camouflage fatigues, he livestreamed his attack on a camera mounted on his helmet. German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer confirmed that a “heavily armed perpetrator” tried to force his way into a synagogue in the eastern German city on Yom Kippur, Judaism’s holiest day. The assailant, he said, was from the state of Saxony-Anhalt where Halle is located. His two victims have not been identified.
not terrorists a single difference between muslim nazi pigs and german nazi pigs terrorists that’s why all the muslim invaders of europe want to live in Germany on benefits jihad
just that he fired also on a turkish kebab shop near the synagogue
Calm down mate, its all just energy. Think of the poor soul that committed this vile act, he is going to have to live with this his whole life.
do you think he is going to be remorseful? I have < 0 pity for this shmuck. Being pitpful towards the wicked is cruelty to the innocent. Wise up
Remember that next time you speak of the Palestinians you hypocrite. They are the most oppressed people on earth at the moment thanks to Jews. Yes its really sad that two people got shot, but no one talks about the dozens of unarmed Palestinians that are shot by you civilized Jews each week. So excuse me if i don’t shed a tear for these two who most likely supported Zionism.
@Jim You need to take a chill Pill Dude. Firstly its the Palestinians land, Secondly these are unarmed civilians who are protesting against the left of their land and the brutal repression that you Jews are infecting on them, Thirdly they never try to cross the boarder, they are more than 100m away and they are shot. Its the same as America shooting Mexicans who are in Mexico? Does this not strike you as wrong? Whats wrong with you Jews?
@Frankie thats not fair Frank. This is a Israeli Jewish issue. American Jews, French, German are not committing these crimes. Its statement like that cause tragic shootings like this. Try to remember that while Israel will try and portray what they doing as representing all Jews Worldwide that this is just a propaganda ploy to hide under the anti semitism banner. Anti semitism banner means that any criticism of Israel can then be portrayed as anti semitism.
palestinians do not exist, just arab imigrants from the slums of Cairo, Damascus, Saudia, and Irak and so on during the turkish and british mandate
muslim nazis are happy that a nazi like them opened fire just not sure if the victims are Jewish or Turkish
Another useless comment. The Palestinians are not the most opressed people in the world. Palestinians are opressed by their own leaders. Palestinans who work alongside Jews in Israel are well-paid compared to those who work in the West Bank under Mahmud Abbas. Palestinians attack, shoot, stab and kill Jews not the other way around. You don’t know what I’m saying? Go, live in Israel and see for yourself. What you hear from the media are lies and twisted facts. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself. The best way to do it is to visit the land and live with both Israelis and Palestinians.
” They are the most oppressed people on earth at the moment thanks to Jews.”
@ “Remember the Palestinians”,
Actually, no……………………’s the so-called “Palestinian Authority” and the Hamas “government” of Gaza which is oppressing the people under their control. Arabs living in Israel get to vote and have their own political party. Just when was the last time something called an “election” took place in Gaza or in areas controlled by the “Palestinian Authority”?
” but no one talks about the dozens of unarmed Palestinians that are shot by you civilized Jews each week.”
Wrong again…………………………….Palestinian terrorists throwing rocks and fire bombs and occasional sniper fire at Israelis across the internationally recognized Gaza border fence are not “unarmed” as you say.
“Firstly its the Palestinians land,”
@ Frankie ?,
No it’s not. That land has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years and was invaded by Arabs under Mohammad when they took land which simply didn’t belong to them.
“Whats wrong with you Jews?”
Based on the contents of your post, I’d like to ask what’s wrong with YOU ?, Frankie!
Your post is full of contradictions and falsehoods. Read some history in depth. You may then discover the truth about the ‘Palestinians’ and get a life.
The pathetic stinians? The luckiest people on planet earth. Had their adversaries been fellow arabs they would be unknown. Try telling your ‘pals’ to learn the ways of peace.
No, you would rather just kill a Jew, you little ignorant fekker!
But your fakestinian buddies are oppressed by their muslim brothers who treat them like sh*t and their leaders who treat them like dogs!
They are lucky they have Jews to hate and kill (emulators of the Nazi swine, par excellence, from the Mufti to the present).
If they had their muslim brothers to “watch” over them, it would make Syria look like a child’s game.
the muslim pigs nazis and haters must be sorry that the two victims are not Jewish but at least they are christians so it makes the pigs of allah feel good
not a single difference between muslim nazi pigs and german nazi pigs terrorists that’s why all the muslim invaders of europe want to live in Germany on benefits jihad
just that he fired also on a turkish kebab shop near the synagogue
Poor confused guy, i wonder what drove him to commit this horrible attack. I hope that he gets the professional help that he requires.
He just needs a bullet between his eyes…
Les victimes sont des juifs ou des turcs? C´ est Yom Kippur, peux de chances d´un juif dans un bar de kebbab. Probablement des turcs curdes. En tout cas, deux vies. Ce nazi a jetté dehors sa vie.
Merci, mon ami. Vous savez la verite!
From the Debka article:
“——————and a Holocaust denier, said the root of the world’s problems, including feminism is “the Jew,”
This must be the first time someone actually blamed feminism on the Jewish community, in addition to just about everything else one could think of!
No, Allemandes.
Lots & lots of Natzis crawled under their rocks on 1/20/2017 all over the world !
root of all problem are jews
German Terrroist Stefan Balliet
pig abbas shiite monkey root of all problems are nazi pigs like you
You are so correct, they need a firm moslem hand to civilize them.
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