The UNCHR approves probe of allegations against Israel in Gaza clash

The UN Commission for Human Rights Friday approved the establishment of a commission of inquiry into alleged Israeli “war crimes” in the clashes with Palestinians on the Gaza-Israel border on Monday, in which 60 Palestinians were killed. The motion was approved by 29 members, with 14 abstaining and the US, Australia and Israel voting against. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked blasted the decision as “hypocritical,” ignoring Hamas barbaric use of women and children for its political goals, and a “head wind” for terror.

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13 thoughts on “The UNCHR approves probe of allegations against Israel in Gaza clash

  • May 20, 2018 @ 11:16 at 11:16

    When will the UN look into Fascist Irans State Sponsored Support of

    – World-Wide Terrorism?
    – Homophobia?
    – Misogynia?
    – Calls for the destruction of another States (Israel and US)?
    – Occupation of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan?

    • May 20, 2018 @ 13:15 at 13:15

      Worldwide Terrorism ? Last time I checked ISIS were doing all the terrorizing worldwide the same ISIS ISISrael supports…you people are dangerously dumb..

      • May 20, 2018 @ 19:14 at 19:14

        who are you to call anyone dumb. if you believe Israel is the villian you need to see an eye doctor…those idiot’s that gave their lives for hamas believed like you. Why don’t you go there and sling rock’s, bomb’s and dare the Israelies to stop have the right to try to hurt/kill and you say Israel has no right & should allow them to do as they please…you’re not dumb tou’re deaf, dumb and blind or you’re just an a**hole period.

      • May 21, 2018 @ 5:44 at 5:44

        Say what you like dumb-ass!
        Israel will keep on thriving and growing while you pathetic moo-slimes will continue to kill each other and grovel in pig shit.
        Who gives a shit what you say. It’s all blowing out of your putrid ass.
        That’s where the real pollution is coming from!

    • May 20, 2018 @ 13:16 at 13:16

      Occupation of Syria and Iraq ? How fucking stupid do you sound ? Hahahaha.

    • May 20, 2018 @ 15:32 at 15:32

      No wonder your name is “False flag”. LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!

      What’s your IQ? Probably 72, like 72 virgins.

      Happy Nakba!

  • May 20, 2018 @ 12:16 at 12:16

    The UN, you say?


    • May 20, 2018 @ 15:42 at 15:42

      They might as well have Abbas conduct the investigation because the results would be the same – the UN works in lock-step with all terrorists and are against the rights of and existence of Israel. What a sham. Just ignore this crap and if they sanction; ban the UN, the EU and other NGOs from setting foot anywhere near the region – declare them enemy combatants.

  • May 20, 2018 @ 14:11 at 14:11

    Go shove it up your prejudiced asses, UNCHR. You can’t tell a terrorist from a ham sandwich and you promote terrorism by failing to recognize incessant and ingrained terrorism and antisemitism in Islam and in your own nations which are beginning to experience a small sample of the jihad Israel has had to endure for 100 years..

    I am a Canadian and I would want my country to prevent terrorists from storming our borders with the intent to kill. I would use whatever force necessary and if they are climbing fences to kill, kidnap, rape, terrorize and claim our country as theirs, then I would use lethal force in ways beyond the restrained measures Israel used. It is common sense and a matter of saving ones lives, property and protecting ones borders. Maybe you have never been confronted with pure evil and invasion as Israel has had to cope with – you not give you the right to criticize anyone other than the terrorists.

    The bullshit about “proportional response” is about tying the hands of Jews in order to bring danger and death upon them. The way Israel handled this situation saved Terrorstinian lives because it brought an end to their weeks-long insanity which, if allowed to fester, would have grown beyond the 40,000 paid-fed, equipped and supported terrorists at the border – terrorists who are (and their families) promised big incomes for life if they are hurt or killed in the act of killing Jews.

    The UN cannot possibly conduct any fair investigation involving Israel because they are part of the terror propaganda problem, using their UNRWA arm to school the Terrortinians in hate and antisemitism generation after generation. You must investigate yourselves first and then dissolve the UN and begin over again or not at all.

  • May 20, 2018 @ 20:14 at 20:14

    Again the U.N. Ignores all other genocides worldwide, and instead negatively focuses on Israel’s right to defend itself and it’s borders.

    The ‘investigation’ will overlook the Molotov cocktails and grenades used by hamas, as well as their attempts to burn the fields of Israeli farmers with their kites of fire. They’ll also overlook claims by hamas themselves , that most of the deaths were hamas terrorists.


  • May 20, 2018 @ 20:48 at 20:48


    The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) was a functional commission within the overall framework of the United Nations from 1946 until it was replaced by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2006.


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