Thousands rally in Tehran on US embassy siege anniversary

A rally marking the 39th anniversary of the US embassy takeover by Iranian students took place in Tehran Sunday, the day before US reimposes sanctions on Iran that were lifted after the 2015 nuclear deal. The crowd of thousands chanted “Down with US” and “Death to Israel.”

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4 thoughts on “Thousands rally in Tehran on US embassy siege anniversary

  • Nov 4, 2018 @ 19:05 at 19:05

    Almost 4 decades of sick stupidity identical to communism, a total eclipse of the luck!

  • Nov 4, 2018 @ 21:01 at 21:01

    Marg Bar Iran!
    Marg Bar Khameni!
    Marg Bar Rohani!

    Long Live Persa!

  • Nov 5, 2018 @ 14:57 at 14:57

    You Iranian Islamic fascists, when given the opportunity, abduct our citizens, kill our troops, invade other countries to corrupt them with your Islamic garbage, suppress women, gays and all minorities, teach your children antisemitism and hate for mankind, curtail ALL freedom, and develop nukes (with the blessing of the EU, China, Russia, etc) to wipe the world out.

    Now we will push back, you SOB’s!!

  • Nov 5, 2018 @ 15:24 at 15:24

    Actually, Iran will indeed invade virtually every civilized country on the planet, . . . and it will be impossible to stop them.

    Well, . . . that is, . . . the atoms and molecules of the Iranian population will invade, . . . coming down with the rain, . . . after the nuclear dust settles.

    THEN, . . . we’ll all see how this pile of goat herders makes out in their nuclear wasteland.


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