Three soldiers injured in Palestinian ramming attack

A Palestinian-driven car plowed into a group of soldiers on Rte 60 near the Gush Etzion junction on Monday. Three soldiers were injured, one moderately and two with minor wounds. The driver was shot dead before he could get away

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3 thoughts on “Three soldiers injured in Palestinian ramming attack

  • Nov 26, 2018 @ 14:15 at 14:15

    How many incidents like this will it take before Israel makes a complete break from its Terrorstinian neighbors and residents? How many times do Killerstinians have to express their murderous hate and violence and how many Jews have to die at their hands before Israel concludes that all Terrorstinians must be completely and entirely separated from Jews? Arabs must take in their co-religionists if they want peace because these Jew-hating vermin are a dangerous threat to civilization and they only get along and are controlled under the thumbs of Arab potentates, dictators and military regimes that know how to handle violent Muslims.

    • Nov 26, 2018 @ 16:16 at 16:16

      well written

  • Nov 26, 2018 @ 14:42 at 14:42

    This extremely aggressive population of Arab origin must be kept far from the Jews in Israel and in the two occupied territories: Gaza and West Bank.


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